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Materialistic Realizations: A Wake-Up Call at 45

  • A AT UP
  • 2024-02-28 09:21:41
  • 54
After I turned 45, I realized that I was spending money that was totally unnecessary:​1. Diamond rings are really useless. The total time you wear them in your life is only a few hours. It is really worthless to resell them. It is not as valuable as real gold.2. Those expensive mahogany furniture are hard and difficult to use. They are really not comfortable to sit on. In addition to showing that you are rich, they really take up too much space.3. For those jewelry that I thought was beautiful in the past, apart from keeping the gold for some use, the rest also have to worry about it accidentally breaking, throwing away the money, and it will not increase in value.4. Expensive gym membership card, in fact, you can achieve the same effect by doing a few simple exercises at home, and you can also save the time and expense of commuting.5. Those branded bags and shoes, although they look bright and shiny at first, will become outdated after a while, and they are also quite troublesome to maintain. It is better to spend your money on something more practical and long-lasting.6. Frequent visits to high-end restaurants are actually not cost-effective. Not only are they expensive, but the quality of the dishes may not be better than home-cooked meals. Cooking at home is both economical and hygienic.7. Although the luxury travel experience is exciting, in fact the scenery in many places is not as beautiful as imagined, and there are many unpredictable expenses during the travel process. It is better to choose a more economical and comfortable travel method.8. Frequently changing mobile phones is actually a waste. Today’s mobile phones have very comprehensive functions. As long as they are enough, there is no need to pursue the latest and most expensive models.9. It is also a waste to buy a lot of books without reading them. Nowadays, there are abundant network resources. A lot of knowledge can be found online, and reading e-books is more convenient.10. Buying expensive skin care products may not necessarily achieve better skin care effects. The key is to find products that suit you and stick to them.


