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Bitcoin is flushing up and down, the old OG teache

[Bitcoin is flushing up and down, the old OG teaches you the golden rule of "taking profit"! ] Waiting for Bitcoin or Ethereum to peak may be a waste of time, as some altcoins have peaked before then. Therefore, keeping price in mind is key to ensuring profits. Regardless, the goal is to exit altcoins completely a few weeks after Bitcoin peaks. 1️⃣Be sure to recoup your initial investment when the key target price is reached 2️⃣The best time to make profits may be between late 2024 and early 2025 3️⃣Sell at least 10% of the asset for every 10-fold increase in price 4️⃣Profit when close to the all-time high price 5️⃣ If you buy late, don't think 10x is easy, it may not be the case 6️⃣ Use the bottom price to calculate 5x/10x/20x, not the entry price 7️⃣Don't sell all your tokens if the cycle is not over yet. Leave some assets looking forward to rising prices 8️⃣ Some altcoins will never reach all-time highs due to inflationary token economics 9️⃣ After the market reaches the top, liquidate all altcoins Draft an exit plan immediately and stick to it after the end , never sell all your Bitcoins. Tweet the complete article below This article comes from the DUO NINE YCC article and was compiled by @TechFlowPost.


