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The Importance of Diversified Trading

For medium and large accounts, such as those whose contract accounts are generally above 100,000, do not open a position for only one currency, because this requires a 100% winning rate to make stable profits every day. My personal suggestion is to trade the three currencies of btc, eth, and sol at the same time every day (when a certain currency is in a downward trend, you can slow down and choose two of the three), and do not touch other small currencies. That is to say, the three positions are divided into high-grade horse, medium-grade horse and low-grade horse. For example, the day before yesterday, I opened a low long position on these three coins at the same time. Yesterday morning, the combined floating profit of btc and sol was 5.70,000, while the floating loss of eth was 1.40,000, so I cut eth decisively. eth is the low-end horse in short-term trading, and the low-end horse has to make sacrifices when necessary. If you only make one coin with a large amount of money, it will be uncomfortable. Because you have already taken a position in a currency, it is bound to affect your mentality to a greater or lesser extent. Even if you know that sol has risen sharply, you don’t have much courage to dare to force a transaction against sol. So when this position does not When there is a floating profit, it will be difficult for you to make more choices about whether to stay or leave, and you may not be able to generate profits in one or two days. And if there are three positions at the same time, and the floating profit of two positions is much greater than the floating loss of the other position, you can decisively cut off the floating loss position and harvest the two floating profit positions. Then wait for new opportunities to reopen the position. The situations where long orders of these three currencies are trapped at the same time are basically rare or very short-lived, and may be more common in bear markets.

Small households, with accounts below 10,000, can only choose to make one currency, and they need to make a currency with a stable rising structure and considerable profits in small bands, such as SOL.


