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  • 睡不
  • 2024-03-23 16:52:04
  • 42






因此,他決定辭去傳統投行的職務,同時透過朋友的介紹加入了一家Token Fund(代幣投資基金)。




In half a year, Cheng Hao earned more than 10 million, completing a small class leap.However, Cheng Hao is very insecure, especially late at night."I can't sleep every night when I lie in bed because I only made 10 million, which makes me feel insecure. This is not me pretending, I know that 10 million is a huge amount of money for most people, but This amount of money is really nothing in the currency circle, and most of the people working in our company have a net worth of more than 50 million."Those currency speculators who made 10 million and couldn’t sleep late at nightEvery late night is a difficult time for Cheng Hao.This is completely opposite to what most of us think, because in most people's minds, making a lot of money in the currency circle must be very happy, and they should sleep happily every night. But the real situation is just the opposite. Cheng Hao, who has made more than 10 million in a short period of time, thinks that holding this tens of millions of wealth is not an easy task. They are more afraid of the loss of wealth. and the desire for continued growth in wealth.After all, it is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality. Life has changed so much. Cheng Hao, who used to be reluctant to take a taxi and squeezed into the subway even during the morning rush hour, can now not only take a taxi casually, but also recently bought a BMW M3 that he had dreamed of. He never wanted to go back to the days of squeezing the subway, and this thought deepened Cheng Hao's late-night anxiety.All this can be seen clearly late at night, and the fragility and greed of human nature will only become more and more intense under the bright moonlight.Cheng Hao, who has a net worth of over 10 million, takes some melatonin every night because he can't sleep. In fact, he also knew that taking too much melatonin was bad for his health, but in order to force himself to fall asleep, he could only choose to take medicine.Cheng Hao said: "When the assets exceed 100 million, I will stop eating."Life is like a roller coaster, it makes me anxious every night"If only I had sold it then!"Every time he said this, Songhai would slap his thigh. Songhai, 30 years old, was introduced by a friend and got a loan of 1 million, and bought 5,000 EOS at a price of 95 yuan/piece and 10,000 ONT at a price of 50 yuan/piece.Because a senior friend in the currency circle told him: "EOS is this year's ETH, and ONT is this year's NEO."Although he entered the currency circle not long ago, he has also heard about ETH and NEO Songhai in 2017: In 2017, ETH increased dozens of times, and NEO increased hundreds of times. Songhai calculated that even if EOS and ONT did not increase dozens or hundreds of times like ETH and NEO last year, as long as they increased by 10 times, his assets would exceed 10 million from the beginning of the year to the end of the year.Songhai gets very excited every time he thinks about this, because he sees the hope of buying a house in Beijing.During the calf market in April 2018, the highest point of EOS rose to 140 yuan, and the highest point of ONT rose to 70 yuan.In the blink of an eye, Songhai earned close to 500,000 yuan. At this time, he thought to himself: "I'll go, I can buy a Mercedes-Benz E-Class worth 500,000 yuan now. Otherwise, I can take my wife to the Maldives for a tour before getting married. No, no, no, I'd better have the wedding first. It can be done." To make it more respectable, the location can be changed to Wangfujing Wangfu Hotel. That would be called grand. Then call all my buddies from college..."Those currency speculators who made 10 million and couldn’t sleep late at nightThese days, Songhai couldn't sleep at night, because the pleasure of making money and his wild imagination made him lie in bed and think wildly. Songhai felt that it was only a matter of time before he earned his first 10 million in his life, or in another way. Speaking of which, in fact, Songhai had already earned 10 million due to his random thoughts, and now he was only thinking about how to spend the money.The excited Songhai, holding "the 10 million he has earned", consumes himself in fantasy every night.However, one day in the currency world is one year in the world. The market took a turn for the worse. The Mavericks in April left at the drop of a hat. The currency circle began to enter a long bear market in May. Now in July 2018, the prices of all currencies have plummeted, including EOS, which pinned Songhai's hopes on it. and ONT.Yes, in less than three months, Songhai went from making 500,000 yuan to losing 500,000 yuan. Coupled with the need to repay a loan of more than 40,000 yuan on time every month, Songhai began to fall into anxiety and fear.Especially at night, Songhai turned around and couldn't sleep. When I made money in the past, it was because of excitement; now when I lose money, it is because of fear.Seeing the losses of tens of thousands on his digital currency exchange's books every day, Songhai became confused every day when he went to work. Not to mention the previous goal of earning 10 million by the end of the year, now Songhai just hopes to earn back the principal."I'm really scared, especially when I'm alone at night." Songhai said listlessly.Late every night, Songhai would keep staring at the market, hoping for a strong positive line to allow him to repay the loan as soon as possible. After all, he still hopes to marry his beloved girlfriend by the end of this year, but his impulsive loan has now become a stumbling block to his marriage and future.To be precise, perhaps what really hindered his happiness was not the loan, but his greed. After all, the tears and hysteria he left behind in the middle of the night were Songhai's true feelings."I will stand up again," Songhai said.I have handed over my destiny to the currency circle"Actually, I don't want to wear low-cut clothes, but I can't help but get caught up in the currency circle."23-year-old Qiu Shui also attended a blockchain conference today wearing a low-cut outfit. With exquisite makeup, graceful figure, and revealing low-cut clothes, every time Qiu Shui participates in various activities in the currency circle, she can attract the attention of many people present - especially the eyes of men.Dressed in a fashionable outfit, you might never guess that Qiu Shui is actually a master's student studying at a top university in Beijing. In fact, before entering the currency circle, Qiu Shui was a typical "other people's child" who had always had very good academic performance from childhood to adulthood.By chance, Qiu Shui learned that many of his classmates had made millions in just a few months by doing proxy investing. Girls in particular often bought Hermès bags or went to Dubai for a shopping trip. An easy trip.Under this stimulation, Qiu Shui also started to invest on behalf of others. The so-called proxy investment actually means that you obtain shares from those rich and powerful people in the currency circle through some methods at a relatively low price, and then sell them to others to earn the price difference.Qiu Shui disclosed: "In the complicated currency circle, beautiful women have an advantage when it comes to proxy investing. Because the gender of the currency circle is still dominated by men. If you are a beautiful woman and have better luck, all you need to say is Just say a few nice words or act coquettishly, and maybe the other party will be willing to sell you the share at a cheap price."At the beginning, Qiu Shui was still cautious. After all, she also knows that there are people from all walks of life in the currency circle, and girls should be careful about their own safety. However, when Qiu Shui made more than 300,000 yuan through proxy investment, she felt it was incredible."I can't sleep every night when I lie in bed. I'm half excited and half regretful. What's exciting is that I'm starting to make money, and it's much easier than making money by studying seriously; what's regretful is that every time I You should be bolder, maybe you’ve already made millions by now.”So, after Qiu Shui made more than 300,000 yuan in the early stage, she became even bolder. I don’t look at projects as carefully as before. I always feel that agency investment is a business that is sure to make money without losing money.Qiu Shui relied on her excellent appearance and reliable high education to accumulate a large number of customers and raised millions of funds at once. She decided to do something big this time.

















The above stories come from others

