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Female Colleague's Beijing House Loss

  • 2024-03-24 19:08:04
  • 55

My wife told me two days ago that a female colleague of hers told her that she bought a house in Beijing a few years ago and lost 500,000. I know this female colleague. She is very strong in everything she does. She also wants to have what others have. Her husband is said to be very powerful, a teacher at the National People's Congress, a Ph.D., and an actuary. But her husband doesn't ask anything about the family except for his studies, and his wife can do whatever she wants.

It was probably in 2018 or 2019. I can’t remember the specifics. This female colleague saw that many people around her were buying houses. She didn’t have much money, so she insisted on buying one. Due to limited funds, I also borrowed some money from other colleagues for the down payment, and I could only buy a one-bedroom apartment in Fangshan for 1.9 million. Houses are bought and rented.

After hearing this, I said that she said she lost 500,000 yuan on her house. In fact, it should be more than that. She said her house is now worth 1.4 million yuan. This should be the quoted price, not the transaction price, and the transaction price will be lower. #BNBChain #BOME #ID #polyx #BTC

