3AC liquidator Teneo address (0x0be) transferred 135,000 $AVAX ($7.87M) to Binance an hour ago.
3AC wallet transferred 1.369 million AVAX to Teneo address (0x0be), the institution responsible for 3AC liquidation, on 2023/5/10, when the price of AVAX was $15.3.
As the market entered a bull market at the end of last year, the price of AVAX also rose sharply. Teneo began to transfer AVAX on January 25 this year, and has transferred a total of 1.08 million AVAX ($45.73M) at an average price of $42.35 so far:
675,000 AVAX transferred to Binance;
405,000 AVAX transferred to B2C2 (institutional liquidity/OTC platform).
Currently, the Teneo address (0x0be) still holds 289,000 AVAX ($16.77M).
Address: 0x0bec677db59a678af7ada2f63569372b4851660f