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AI、Depin、RWA 追蹤,尋找 100x 幣

先說大市場。比特幣自繼續觸及73777新高以來結束了單邊上漲,並經歷了13000多美元的回調。幅度還是蠻大的。我知道很多朋友都比較恐慌。 !請勿恐慌.目前來看,這只是過度上漲的正常回檔。對於市場是否會失敗或市場會下跌多深,沒有悲觀的預期。市集20日進行二次探底。走勢並未突破前期低點,止跌跡象較明顯。預計震盪後將繼續創出新高。估計可能到達的兩個位置是75620和80120線。即使從非常謹慎的角度來看,只要比特幣守住61000的分界線,我們都可以看好上漲空間。這個階段,沒必要嚇自己,握緊手中的籌碼就可以了。事實上,縱觀大多數山寨幣,都有買入訊號顯示調整結束。我個人判斷下周山寨幣的表現會比較好,獲利效果會更好。

現在大家應該要非常關心一個問題:現在的市場處於什麼階段,未來會怎樣,還能走多久。事實上,這波行情與我們之前經歷過的大部分行情都不同。它是碎片化的,也可以稱為結構性或部分牛市。比特幣基本上已經進入牛市中期,但大部分幣種還處於牛市初期!我們看主流幣,很多都處於半死不活的狀態。餡餅正在達到新高和新高。 Ada、Lite 等仍處於底部。看看山寨幣,這是一個完全分裂的情況,有一些新的概念、新的敘述和社區。共識較強的幣種出現了巨大的漲幅,而大多數幣種只是跟隨比特幣的平均漲幅,沒有多頭市場的巨大獲利效應。這說明目前市場的資金仍不夠充足。比特幣的看漲趨勢讓許多幣種的主力資金都上行,但僅此而已。核心邏輯就在於比特幣這次的爆發。這與ETF密不可分。主要參與者都知道這一點。市場上每天流入的資金似乎與流入的資金一樣多。不幸的是,它屬於大餅。這條路徑相對封閉,溢出量極為有限,市場需要資金來推動。 ,這就導致了山寨季到來的延遲。我預計這種情況還會持續很長一段時間。轉折點在哪裡?降息放水!聯準會已表示今年將三度降息,但尚未明確降息時間窗口何時開啟。只有當實際降息的洪流淹沒了模仿者時,整體才會起飛!但要特別注意的是,降息是解決問題的手段,必須是問題出現了,危及經濟穩定或出現了潛在的危險訊號,才會採取降息策略。就像2020年的疫情吧,這次可能是銀行雷雨或其他什麼事件促使他開始降息。因此,從政策敲定之日到印鈔機真正啟動淹沒真空區之時,正是各類避險資金最有可能出逃的時刻,各類資產將面臨較大的衝擊和波動。 。此外,比特幣並沒有做出任何清理槓桿的大動作。兩個階段是疊加的。這個時間點是最容易出現大回呼的節點。大家一定要非常警惕市場出現大回檔的風險!


Friends who have experienced it all know that in every bull market there will be several main lines that are repeatedly speculated. Coupled with the rotation of other hot sectors, the high-quality currencies in these main lines will have the highest increase in speculation. 13 years is too long and relatively niche. The main hype at that time was the narrative related to the POW currency model. The industry in 17 years was relatively single because the market capacity was still relatively small at that time. The main line of speculation was ICO. In 2021, the The waves are relatively rich. I don’t know if you have any impressions. There are at least three or four major lines, defi, NFT, public chains, and chain games. There are many high-multiply currencies in them! I think we should pay attention to at least three main lines in the copycat season after this round of releases. Let’s talk about them separately!

The first is AI. This line is the narrative line that started this bull market. It is also the line closest to the hot spots in the U.S. financial market. After the Bitcoin ETF, Wall Street is currently basically controlling the market, and the U.S. stockization of the crypto market is a high probability direction. What is hottest in the U.S. financial market is definitely AI. Apple has given up on building cars and fully embraced the AI ​​track, right? So this track is the closest to the hot spot and the easiest track to break a lap on! With so many talented people working on AI, the development speed of AI is definitely doubling. Every new breakthrough and new progress will be the fuse that ignites the enthusiasm for tokens related to the encryption market. Therefore, to capture high-multiplier currencies, the AI ​​​​track is the first to bear the brunt. The only shortcoming now is that it has risen too much in the short term. In terms of selection, we have to choose some stocks with smaller market capitalizations so that the potential is high enough.

In terms of specific currencies: arkm, this is a project that the co-founder of OpenAI participated in, and it is also a Binance IEO. The background is very strong, and it is a useful project. In the vernacular, what he does is a similar task publishing and matching platform. Arkham mainly consists of two major components: blockchain analysis tools and intelligence trading market. The analysis tools provide users with comprehensive data insights through entity pages, token pages, network mapping, etc. Arkham uses its self-developed artificial intelligence engine Ultra to de-anonymize blockchain data and match addresses with real-world entities through algorithms. The intelligence trading market allows users to buy and sell information through bounties, auctions, and data sharing. Arkham maintains the long-term operation of the platform by charging a certain fee, and the test website has more than 200,000 registered users! The current market value is not high, but the future potential is great.

Wld, everyone should be familiar with Worldcoin. It mainly has celebrity effect and strong control over the market. The platform of Openai boss Ultraman is a bit like the meme currency in the AI ​​​​track. Worldcoin mainly involves two areas: identity authentication and the issuance of digital currency. , identity authentication is the iris scan code, and the issuance of digital currency means that you can receive coins regularly after scanning the code. OpenAI has considered that in the future it will be artificial intelligence, and a large number of people will be unemployed, so now we are taking precautions and making a minimum living allowance plan for everyone. . It sounds great, but it’s actually quite difficult to implement! Although there is no practical use yet, if Ultraman's reputation can surpass Musk, WLD may have a chance to reach the market value of DOGE. However, its high unit price limits its potential as a top meme coin to a certain extent. If the price of Worldcoin is more affordable, or a split is made in the later stage, it will undoubtedly greatly increase its appeal as a top meme coin. As a top figure in the AI ​​field, Sam Altman's every relevant public speech or major event in the AI ​​field will have a significant impact on the Worldcoin market, so he is also a very good target in the AI ​​track.

There are others, such as ai, rndr, nfp, xai, tao, and agix, which are all high-potential varieties worth investing in.

Ai is a middleware, and many things can be combined with it to bring about a second spring in shipments. By extension, we must mention another track, depin. This track is also very popular these days! This track is actually a track where old wine is put into new bottles. I don’t know if Old Leek still remembers the historical products of Wanke Cloud and Traffic Box. In the final analysis, the underlying logic of depin is similar to them. To put it simply, the concept of DePIN requires traditional CePIN servers, sensors, communication networks and other physical infrastructure networks to rely on centralized computing cluster services such as AWS and Alibaba Cloud. The investment cost is too high for many small and medium-sized enterprises.

DePIN uses blockchain Token incentives to allow some users with "hardware devices" to establish large-scale collaboration relationships with physical devices to form an infrastructure network with service capabilities, allowing some small and medium-sized enterprises to be accessible and cost-effective. How to use network resources

Sound familiar? This is similar to FileCoin and Chia, but this time the track is a bit interesting with the addition of the AI ​​concept. To put it simply, it is also about coordinating traffic. If AI is added to participate, the compatibility will be greatly enhanced and the possibility of implementation will be much smoother! In fact, investment institutions and entrepreneurs have always been laying out the DePIN track. However, the market environment in early 2023 is not suitable, and the new paradigm of DePIN is still being explored, so new DePIN projects are rarely launched. By the end of 2023, whether it was the improvement of the market environment or the exploration and accumulation of entrepreneurs, many projects gradually took shape from the initial concepts, and then began to be launched on the market one after another, and the subsequent actions were captured by the market. At this time, DePIN was in the technology It has quickly occupied an important position in a market with weak innovation. Because there are many institutions gathered together, this should be a track that will be frequently paid attention to by funds in the future, and it should be focused on!

Currency: iotx is an old coin. The old concept of the Internet of Things is now in the spotlight again. The king-level project icp has strong financial strength and a good understanding of distributed computing concepts.

Hive folders

Honey is a map tool platform built on Solana. In April 2022, it received US$18 million in financing from Multicoin Capital, Solana founders and others. Users purchase Hivemapper's driving recorder, accumulate data while driving, and upload map data to receive rewards. There are currently two dash cams on sale, priced at $300 and $649. He is on Coinbase, but there is no big platform. There is a risk of insufficient liquidity, but the potential is huge.

Fil too


Helium developer Nova Labs has previously cooperated with T-Mobile to launch commercial mobile smartphone services. It first launched a $5 monthly package in Miami. Recently, Helium Mobile launched a $20 monthly wireless phone package in the United States, and launched a new mobile phone with Solana Labs. SIM card free trial event. Ignite the Mobile market,

Meme track

In the past, many people may not be very interested in the meme track and thought they were just idiots. However, with the last round of dogecoins and shit coins coming out of the circle, this round of pepe has been listed on Binance, and in the past few days, bome has been listed on the currency. In the spot market, people's opinions are slowly changing. In addition, this wave of sol also relies on meme coins to break out of the circle, and the currency price has been pushed up to 210. In fact, if we look at the order of fund attacks in this rising market, it is not difficult to find that AI and meme are the two strongest sectors. Preferences actually tell us clearly what opportunities we should pay attention to! In fact, meme coins are relatively pure. There are not so many bells and whistles. It just depends on the consensus of the community and the strength of the funds behind it. It will not compete with big institutions in such a brutal way. It is easier to simply rise and fall! In this section, I recommend the varieties on Binance. They have good liquidity and a lot of room for imagination. If we believe that this round of Bitcoin’s bull market will not be worse than the last one, then taking the peak market value of Dogecoin as a reference, the future space of pepe, bome, meme, and floki is not small at present. Mainly recommend pepe and bome

Inscription track:

Although the current believers in this track are not happy, I am still optimistic about its future! New narratives in each round of bull market will not be buried. Runes have been very popular recently, which will actually bring back the popularity of inscriptions. This is the same as memes, mainly considering liquidity, ordi, sats, rats.

public: sol, aave, celo, mina, rose, sei sui zeta, strk, astr

AI section: wld, ai, arkm, rndr, nfp, xai, tao, agix

Chain games: pixel, ai, portal, ace, gala, voxel

Mining coins: kas, kda, etc, fil

sol ecology: jup, jto, python, floki

meme 币: pepe, meme, bome

Second layer of pie: stx, rif, sys

Other good ones: gal, bico, icp, uma, dego, joe, ong, bnt


AI、Depin、RWA 追蹤,尋找 100x 幣




