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養成的成功的習慣【Habits of successful people】

  • 2024-03-27 17:25:09
  • 58

【Things you should never do】

1. Go to bed with your best friend.

2. Marry your lover.

3. Treat every colleague as a friend.

4. Work in a friend’s company.

5. Tell your boss everything you know.

6. Believe in your boss’s promises.

7. All the joy, anger, sorrow and joy are displayed on the face.

8. Talk loudly on your cell phone in a crowd.

9. Get used to making excuses for yourself.

10. Overtake the car and look at the face of the girl with the slim back in the car.

11. Take MM’s “no” at face value.

12. Expect your ex-girlfriend to change her mind.

[The bottom line of being a human being]

(1) Don’t be a third party, even if you like it again.

(2) You can lie to me, but if I find out more than twice, please get away as far as you can.

(3) If you don’t take me seriously, I will treat you the same way.

(4) I can pretend to be stupid, but don’t think I’m really stupid.

(5) I can tolerate it, but don’t exceed my bottom line.

(6) I don’t have a temper, I just don’t lose my temper easily.

(7) I can accept any truth.

​【8 sentences that will make you mature at least 5 years old】

1. If you don’t like your current job, either resign or keep silent.

2. Learn to tolerate loneliness.

3. Don’t be as fragile as glass, be a person with a strong heart.

4. Watch your mouth.

5. Will create opportunities.

6. If the phone keeps not ringing, you should call.

7. Don’t get married hastily.

8. Write down the things you want to do in your life, put the list in your wallet, and take it out often.

[Habits of successful people]

1. Smile.

2. Simple temperament.

3. Don’t borrow money from friends.

4. Say good things about others behind their backs.

5. Just smile when you hear someone say something bad about someone else.

6. Not everyone knows about the past.

7. Respect people who don’t like you.

9. Be ruthless towards things but affectionate towards people.

10. Do more self-criticism.

11. Cheer for others.

12. Be grateful.

13. Learn to listen.

14. Always start your speech with us.

15. Talk less.

16. Like yourself.

Those who can do this have long been free in the currency circle, right? I definitely can't do it, what about you?

養成的成功的習慣【Habits of successful people】


