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Bitcoin: The Future of Private Property

Bitcoin truly realizes the sanctity of private property! It is especially important in times of great turmoil.

Why do I firmly believe that Bitcoin is the future? Its goal has never been to replace legal tender, but to become a store of value for mankind.

We start from the most fundamental logic. Humans must save money when they make money. So far, there are the following categories that can be used as store of value:

1. Gold. Disadvantages: It is inconvenient to carry, so you can just pass it.

2. Cash. The disadvantages are the same as above. No one will keep a million at home.

3. Deposit in the bank. Two disadvantages: First, there is a risk of risk control in bank accounts. At least during this period of risk control, the wealth does not belong to you, because you cannot use it during this period, so there is a lack of absolute security. Second: depreciation. Private property is sacred and inviolable, and legal tender will depreciate as the country's currency is released, but the released water is not distributed to you in equal proportion, so your wealth is harvested invisibly.

Humans have never solved these problems before. This is why people who enter the Internet age and truly understand Bitcoin will call it the greatest invention of the 21st century. You can carry the Bitcoin ledger anywhere, just bring your brain. The stable number of coins and no additional issuance ensures that your coins will never depreciate (using legal currency to measure the value of Bitcoin is a kind of upside-down behavior, which is meaningless, because one coin is always one, and the value of legal currency itself is always changing). Decentralization guarantees absolute security.

Decentralization truly realizes the most important value in human history: private property is sacred and inviolable!

Bitcoin has gone through 16 years, and its rapid development is exciting, but it is still just a small step. Even if measured by the length of human life, it is just a child, and its future is worth looking forward to. Human wealth will eventually need to find the most suitable store of value.


