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"Late Night Obsessions: The Addictive Allure of Cu

  • the
  • 2024-01-18 19:36:12
  • 75
After dinner, the Wall Street elites are all still asleep, chatting with everyone~My neighbor has been speculating in currencies for 2 years, and he goes out to study at home every day. When asked about his performance, he always said it was relatively stable. It wasn't until one day when he heard a quarrel with his wife in the middle of the night that he realized that he had been losing money steadily in the past few years.Since we have a good relationship with our neighbors, we discussed with him the next day. Since we have been losing money, why do we have to keep doing it? Unexpectedly, his eyes lit up and he said to me: "Lao Jiu, you can't appreciate the fun in this. The biggest fun every day is research and analysis. You are not interested in smoking, drinking or growing legs."I finally understood why he stayed up until the early hours of the morning every night. It seemed like he really loved it. Later, I met many market participants like him, and I seemed to see myself back then - just like him. The main reason was that I felt very happy and had a sense of accomplishment.Later, I asked a professor who taught psychology in college about this question. She told me that people’s emotions are determined by something called dopamine. According to statistics from psychologists, among the rankings of dopamine, the happiness factor, investment Transactions come first. Only then did I suddenly realize.


