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2024 年不容錯過的 6 種具有爆炸性潛力的加密貨幣(均低於 2 美元)



本文將深入探討 5 個有前途的項目,這些項目預計將在 2024 年實現爆炸性成長。


目前價格:0.000652 美元



你可以刻錄圖像、文字等獨特訊息,這些訊息將永久儲存在單一 Satoshis(比特幣的最小單位)上,提供前所未有的所有權和稀缺性。

創意表達的新世界:SATS 超越了錄音,它打開了創意表達的潘朵拉魔盒。


這種尚未開發的創造潛力將推動 SATS 生態系統蓬勃發展。

社區營造:SATS 社區充滿熱情且積極參與。



2. 多位橋(MUBI)

目前價格:0.29859 美元


連結比特幣與 DeFi 世界:MUBI 在比特幣與蓬勃發展的 DeFi 生態系統之間架起了一座橋樑。

它允許用戶將比特幣轉換為 ERC-20 代幣,參與 DeFi 協議,賺取收益並獲得流動性,而無需離開比特幣網路的安全堡壘。

這座重要的橋樑為比特幣持有者開啟了新的可能性,並為 DeFi 領域注入了新的血液。

鑄造 Ordinal NFT:MUBI 的 Wrapped Bitcoin Tokens (wBTC) 可用於鑄造 Ordinal NFT,創建一種獨特的混合資產,將比特幣的安全性與 NFT 的強大功能結合在一起。


先發優勢和適應性:MUBI 是 Ordinals 領域的先驅,在大多數競爭對手之前推出了 wBTC 橋。


此外,該團隊對適應性和創新的承諾確保 MUBI 始終處於這個快速發展領域的前沿。

3. 錨定歐元(AEUR)

目前價格: $1.098752


Stability backed by Bitcoin: AEUR is no ordinary stablecoin, it derives its stability directly from the Bitcoin network. Each AEUR is backed by a fraction of Bitcoin and held in a decentralized multi-signature wallet. This unique design provides the security and inflation resistance of Bitcoin while enabling seamless trading and participation in DeFi.

Global reach in European markets: AEUR targets the European market, offering euro-denominated trading, catering to a specific and potentially lucrative group, especially as DeFi gains widespread adoption in Europe. Imagine sending and receiving Euros across borders without the fees and restrictions of traditional banks - AEUR unlocks this future.

Community-driven governance: AEUR is more than just a stablecoin, it’s a community-driven protocol. Token holders actively participate in shaping the future of the project through on-chain proposals and voting. This democratic approach fosters trust, inspires community engagement, and ensures that AEUR meets the needs of its users.

4. BONK: Meme power boosts Solana’s utility

Current price: $0.00002 USD

Market cap: $1.19 billion

Playful Solana Powerhouse: BONK was born as a community-driven meme token on the Solana blockchain. The light-hearted origins belie surprising practicality. BONK fuels DeFi protocols, NFTs, and Play-to-Earn gaming ecosystems, making an important contribution to the overall growth of the Solana network.

Decentralized Autonomous Community (DAC) Experiment: BONK is managed by the Decentralized Autonomous Community (DAC), and token holders jointly decide the future development of the project. This innovative approach fosters a sense of community engagement, ownership, and shared purpose, giving BONK a unique position in the crypto world.

Meme magic meets real-life value: BONK's light-hearted vibe doesn't diminish its real-world value. Its integration with various Solana decentralized applications (dApps) and continued popularity in the network creates tangible value for BONK holders, laying the foundation for potential currency appreciation.

5. The Graph (GRT): The “Google” of blockchain data

Current price: $0.167797

Market cap: $1.57 billion

Semantic Search Symphony: The Graph is like the “Google” of the blockchain world, a decentralized blockchain data indexing protocol. It organizes on-chain information into easily searchable subgraphs, allowing developers to build powerful decentralized applications (dApps) without drowning in a sea of ​​data. This critical infrastructure enables people to mine valuable insights and trends hidden in the blockchain and accelerate innovation and application implementation.

The cornerstone of innovation: The Graph’s subgraphs are an essential part of countless decentralized applications across DeFi, NFT markets, social networks, and many more. Its ubiquity in the Web3 ecosystem creates powerful network effects, driving application adoption and increasing demand for the GRT token.

Alchemy Catalyst: The Graph’s integration with Alchemy, a leading blockchain development platform, significantly expands its reach and potential impact. Alchemy’s powerful infrastructure and developer tools combined with The Graph’s data indexing capabilities create powerful synergies that drive decentralized application development and adoption.

Embracing Layer-2 Solutions: The Graph is actively exploring integration with Layer-2 scaling solutions to address potential scalability issues and ensure its infrastructure can accommodate the exponential growth of Web3 applications. This proactive approach keeps The Graph at the forefront of Web3 data management even as network activity intensifies.

Please note that in addition to the above 5 currencies, there is another potential stock worthy of attention:

6. Fusionist Price (ACE): AI-driven oracle network

Current price: $15.14

Market cap: $333 million

AI-driven oracle network: ACE solves one of the core challenges in the DeFi space - reliable oracle data. Traditional oracles are susceptible to manipulation and inaccuracy. ACE uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to analyze massive market data to provide highly accurate and dynamic oracle data for DeFi protocols. This enhanced data infrastructure can improve the efficiency and security of DeFi applications.

Beyond DeFi, connecting traditional finance: ACE’s potential is not limited to DeFi. Its AI-powered oracles can bridge the gap between cryptocurrency and the traditional financial world, enabling real-time data integration and facilitating the development of new financial products and services. Imagine being able to access traditional asset classes like stocks and bonds with the transparency and efficiency of DeFi - ACE paves the way for this.

Strategic Partnerships and Ecosystem Growth: The ACE team actively partners with leading DeFi protocols and blockchain projects. This network of partners promotes adoption, increases the utility of ACE, and drives growth throughout the ecosystem.


The cryptocurrency market offers a wealth of opportunities for investors willing to explore options other than well-known coins. Little-known altcoins have the potential to deliver huge gains in the upcoming market rally. In addition, the rise of Ordinal NFT is unstoppable


