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本週最值得關注的 5 個加密貨幣:每週預覽





重要的是,Grayscale 的 GBTC ETF 目前持有 566,973 BTC ($23.21B)。

自從該 ETF 獲得授權以來,一直有關於終止近 52,227 BTC(21.4 億美元)流出的討論。

例如,加密貨幣分析師 Ignas 表示,「灰階每個工作日的持續拋售給市場帶來了創傷」。

DeFi Research 指出了灰階持續拋售的心理影響。

此時,大家都在等待 GBTC 向 Coinbase 發送更多比特幣,並提前拋售比特幣。


因此,本週的價格走勢將由現貨比特幣 ETF 流量決定,無論是一般情況(「新生九」如何吸收 GBTC 提款)還是具體情況(GBTC 流出)。

截至發稿時,加密貨幣價格暴跌,跌至 40,270 美元的 6 週低點。

稱為狗狗幣 (DOGE) 的數位貨幣

自從 X Payments 帳戶在 X 平台(以前的 Twitter)上創建以來,有些人猜測狗狗幣將成為該專案的一部分。

由於這些猜測,DOGE 的價格在周六僅 5 小時內就上漲了 23%。

這個例子凸顯了仔細觀察 X Payments 的必要性,即使利潤被部分逆轉。

X Payments 擁有超過 10 萬名追蹤者,其中包括加密貨幣社群的知名成員,是 X 推出支付服務策略的重要組成部分。

由於 Elon Musk 與 X 有聯繫,並且喜歡模因貨幣 DOGE,因此它是一個很好的納入候選人。

X Payments 的任何重大公告都受到投資者的密切關注,因為它們有可能極大地影響 DOGE 的價格。

生產 (RNDR)

渲染 (RNDR) 網路預計將受到 2 月 2 日推出的 Apple Vision Pro 的顯著影響。

去年推出 Apple Vision Pro 時,RNDR 的價格大幅上漲。

隨著 Apple Vision 的發布,分散式運算產業(RNDR 所屬的產業)預計將獲得巨大的收益。

蘋果和負責 RNDR 的加密貨幣公司 OTOY 之間可能存在合作的傳聞。

RNDR 幣及其配套產品 Octane 都與 OTOY 緊密相關。

由於 OTOY 執行長 Jules Urbach 與這兩個品牌的聯繫,有關合作的傳聞一直在流傳。

The fact that Apple brought up RNDR during its WWDC 2023 keynote lends credence to the idea of a potential partnership.

The chili pepper CHZ

Investors are intrigued by Chiliz (CHZ) because to the potential it has for innovative tokenomics. Burning assets, subsidized staking incentives, and outside advice are all parts of a revised tokenomics model that CEO Alexandre Dreyfus has hinted at. "Farming and earning CHZ on the Chiliz network is coming soon to your screens (and wallets)," Dreyfus said to the audience.

The CHZ group is also quite excited about the PEPPER airdrop. Participating in this airdrop entails cultivating CHZ on the Chiliz blockchain in order to harvest PEPPER prizes every day. If you want in on the PEPPER meme airdrop early, Dreyfus is asking you to follow @PepperChain on social media.

RichQuack (QUACK)

Another meme currency from Binance's Smart Chain (BSC) that intends to pay out incentives to investors via "frictionless yield generation" is Rich Quack, and it's hyper-deflationary. The staking process and the delivery of fees are both eliminated for holders. The smart contract instantly credits the holder's account with the allocated fees.

Holders of Rich Quack have the opportunity to earn money via investing, constructing, holding, and winning.

Rich Quack plans to do this by bringing together like-minded individuals who are prepared to put in long hours and make significant contributions to reach their shared objective. With any luck, our project will one day be the go-to site for secure fundraising and investment, complete with a jackpot raffle for holding and a lottery that pays out at the top of the hour, day, week, and month.


