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3 個狗狗幣替代品將在 2024 年上漲 10 倍

3 個狗狗幣替代品將在 2024 年上漲 10 倍


隨著狗狗幣繼續吸引市場的關注,另類代幣正在成為 2024 年漲幅 10 倍的潛在競爭者。這些競爭者包括 Retik Finance、Shiba Inu 和 Bonk。


在本文中,我們將深入探討人工智慧創新、預售成功、近期上市以及其他因素,這些因素使 Retik Finance、Shiba Inu 和 Bonk 脫穎而出,成為 2024 年大幅上漲的潛在候選人。

Retik Finance:將人工智慧創新與卓越的 DeFi 結合

Retik Finance 作為狗狗幣的一個引人注目的替代品脫穎而出,預計在2024 年飆升10 倍。Retik 的與眾不同之處在於其將人工智慧(AI) 創新地整合到去中心化金融(DeFi)領域。

與狗狗幣不同的是,Retik 將人工智慧用於各種應用,包括風險評估、交易處理,甚至是人工智慧支援的點對點 (P2P) 借貸和 DeFi 借記卡等未來概念。

該項目在籌款方面的成功引人注目,在不到兩個月的時間內迅速籌集了 13,150,000 美元中的 11,873,998 美元。

Retik 還透過出售 220,000,000 枚代幣中的 203,867,683 枚代幣,完成了 92.67% 的代幣分配。

這項財務成就與專為公平性和可及性而設計的 10 階段預售模型相結合,展示了強大的社區支持。

Retik Finance 最近完成的 Certik 審計增強了其可信度,讓使用者對其智能合約的安全性和可靠性充滿信心。

此外,其在 CoinMarketCap 和 CoinGecko 等主要平台上的上市有助於提高透明度,鞏固 Retik Finance 作為 DeFi 領域值得信賴的參與者的地位。

人工智慧整合、成功的籌款、安全認證和透明的上市使Retik Finance 成為更好的狗狗幣替代品,預計在2024 年實現10 倍的成長。其前瞻性思維方法、技術進步以及重塑去中心化金融未來的承諾使其成為一個誘人的選擇尋求豐厚回報的投資者的前景。

Shiba Inu:基於以太坊的挑戰者

Shiba Inu has gained notoriety as a Dogecoin alternative, often referred to as the “Dogecoin killer.” Launched in 2020, Shiba Inu claimed to be the contender to dethrone Dogecoin, although its presale success was uncertain at the time. Despite currently lacking clear use cases, Shiba Inu distinguishes itself by being built on the Ethereum blockchain, allowing for interaction with decentralized applications through smart contracts. The developers are actively working to enhance real-world utility, a factor that may contribute to its growth in popularity. Recent data indicates a notable increase in Shiba Inu’s burn rate, with millions of SHIB tokens being burned to reduce the total supply. This strategic move aims to create scarcity and potentially drive up demand for the coin. Despite efforts by Shiba Inu bulls to increase its price, the coin has faced resistance in surpassing certain levels. Shiba Inu’s price reached a high of $0.0000098 on Jan. 20 before encountering resistance. The Shiba Inu price rebounded after a brief decline, showcasing the ongoing dynamics of the market. While bulls are making attempts to overcome resistance barriers, the coin’s popularity and strategic initiatives, such as burning tokens, position it as a viable alternative to Dogecoin for potential 10x growth in 2024.

Bonk: Solana’s Meme Token with Serious Potential

Bonk (BONK) has captured the attention of the crypto community as a meme token built on the Solana blockchain, presenting investors with a unique opportunity for significant profits. Priced at a mere $0.00001162, Bonk’s affordability appeals to a broad range of investors, making it an attractive option for those looking to maximise their returns. One key factor contributing to Bonk’s potential for 10x growth in 2024 is its connection to the rapid expansion of the Solana ecosystem. As a Solana-based token, Bonk stands to benefit from the ecosystem’s growth, potentially experiencing a surge in value along with other Solana-based assets. Bonk’s proactive approach to development further enhances its appeal. Initiatives such as a decentralized exchange (DEX) and a launchpad add utility to the token, potentially driving its price upwards. The combination of an active development team and the overall growth of the Solana ecosystem positions Bonk as a token with significant profit potential. Bonk’s dedicated community of supporters and its listings on prominent cryptocurrency exchanges contribute to its liquidity and exposure. These factors, combined with its affordability, make Bonk an intriguing option for investors seeking easy 10x profits in 2024.


最後,Retik Finance、Shiba Inu 和Bonk 脫穎而出,成為狗狗幣的更好選擇,每一種都具有獨特的特點,到2024 年可能會增長10 倍。Retik Finance 憑藉其人工智慧、成功融資和金融服務的集成,成為DeFi 創新的領導者。安全認證。


Bonk 是 Solana 區塊鏈上的 meme 代幣,它是一個引人注目的選擇,因為它將主動開發與成本結合在一起。


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2024 年 3 隻狗幣替代品將上漲 10 倍的貼文首先出現在 Crypto News Land 上。


