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把狗狗幣拋在腦後:柴犬集團推動 X 接受 SHIB

狗狗幣(DOGE)一直是人們持續猜測的對象,如果任何加密貨幣代幣將被納入 X(以前的 Twitter)提供的支付服務中,狗狗幣將被選擇作為加密貨幣代幣。

儘管如此,這位柴犬 (SHIB) 團隊的成員還是繼續提出了一個案例,說明為什麼在 X 的計劃中也應該考慮 SHIB。

Shiba Inus 的行銷主管已要求將 SHIB 納入其中。

露西(Lucie) 是柴犬(Shiba Inu) 的營銷主管,她在X 上發表的一篇帖子(現已無法訪問)中直接向X 的所有者、世界首富埃隆·馬斯克(Elon Musk) 提出請求。


她也強調了 SHIN 環境及其社區所提供的優勢。

Lucie 給人的印像是,她在暗示將 SHIB 納入 X 付款是一種夥伴關係,將同時對所有參與者有利。

考慮到SHIB社群的穩健性和活力,X Payments有可能在社群內建立龐大的客戶群。


鑑於 SHIB 是 X 上的一種支付機制,可以肯定的是,加密貨幣代幣的實用性將會增加,並且會吸引更多數量的用戶加入其生態系統。


目前尚不清楚是否會忽略將 SHIB 納入 X 支付的請求。

另一方面,SHIB 社群已經表明他們不會輕易放棄,因為肯定會有更多的請求將 meme 貨幣包含在預計今年推出的 X Payments 中。

截至目前,X 平台已經取得了進展,其雄心壯志將這變成了現實。

除了最近為 X Payments 創建了 X 帳戶外,該團隊還獲得了 17 個不同政府的貨幣轉移許可證。

In spite of Lucie's action, there is no question that DOGE will continue to be the top asset of choice in the event that Musk and his X team decide to include a cryptocurrency token into their plans. The explanation is not implausible when one considers the fact that the wealthiest man in the world is said to have a financial stake in the creation of the most prominent meme currency. It is possible that Musk's choice will be influenced by the subtle competition for supremacy that exists between the two meme currencies.

When people talk about SHIB, they often refer to him as the "Dogecoin Killer." The fact that DOGE continues to be the biggest meme currency in terms of market cap indicates that it has not yet lived up to its position. One way to further solidify the position of the former is to consider the possibility of include DOGE in X Payments while excluding SHIB from implementation. One would assume that Elon Musk is fully aware of this particular fact.


