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Solana 稍後能夠返還 111 美元

考慮到今年第一個日期後它打算維持不變,阻力位大約在 111 美元附近。 SOL 於 2024 年 1 月 1 日首次達到 116.1 美元的歷史新高。

目前,在加密貨幣市場崩潰的背景下,存在拋售壓力。比特幣和以太坊都處於這場運動的最前沿,而 SOL 則處於風暴之中。雖然它確實獲得了動力,但最終由於市場出現的價格調整而失去了動力。目前還沒有具體的時間表說明何時結束。根據一些猜測,比特幣供應量減半可能會讓市場恢復正常運作。數位貨幣市場大概率將繼續波動,這將鼓勵愛好者、交易者和投資者在更長時間內維持其投資組合。

Solana 環境中存在的一切並非都籠罩在神秘之中。首先,不可替代代幣(NFT)行業實際上已經顯示出改善的跡象,上週銷量猛增了 40%。此外,客戶和供應商的數量分別增加了 62% 和 71%,增幅均顯著。

多頭和空頭都堅守在自己的地盤上。看空者認為,如果 SOL 跌破 70.8 美元,幾天後代幣就會達到 61.1 美元的支撐位。這是空頭做出的預測。正如 Solana 加密貨幣預測所述,如果 SOL 能夠突破 95.2 美元,那麼 SOL 將能夠測試 103 美元的阻力位,該預測得到了以相同語氣表達的樂觀想法組合的支持。

儘管這低於 SOL 在年初達到的高度,但這仍然是許多人意識到可能性尚未完全消失的開始。

與 Gerber Kawasaki Wealth & Investment Management 合作的 Brett Sifling 表示,他們認為沒有任何重大變數會推動 SOL 的價格。當被問及目前的情況時,這位財務顧問表示,這更多的是對比特幣交易所交易基金(ETF)被接受而產生的修正的回應。

2024 年 1 月 10 日,美國證券交易委員會批准了比特幣交易所交易基金。經歷了短暫的上漲,但之後市場就急劇下跌,幾乎進入了不受任何約束的自由崩潰狀態。

The Solana Protocol, also known as Drift, intends to create a points program that would provide users with rewards for the activities they participate in. It has been said by the team that they have already collected screenshots of the users, and they have also mentioned that about one hundred million Drift points would be distributed on a monthly basis. According to Cindy Leow, who is also the co-founder of Drift Protocol, the development has been verified. In addition, the protocol intends to launch its own native coin in the imminent future.

An individual's risk assessment, knowledge of the market, and investigation of the cryptosphere are all factors that determine whether or not it is worthwhile to purchase SOL. It is advised that in order to proceed with the step, one must have a complete grasp of every potential facet.

Recent developments, such as the one concerning the Drift Protocol, inspire a sense of hope. Moreover, a great number of crypto influencers and experts have previously signaled that the market is only going through a price correction before it launches a major bullish run. The expectation of the introduction of Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs) might be credited with the previous market fall. The current situation has been recognized as a more organic and natural course of action, and it is now taking place.


