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2024 年最值得觀賞的 9 部加密貨幣電影

2024 年最值得觀賞的 9 部加密貨幣電影

大約 15 年前,一位名叫中本聰 (Satoshi Nakamoto) 的匿名程式設計師發布了比特幣白皮書,他的創作已經像滾雪球一樣發展成為一種全球現象,真正有可能顛覆金融業。



對於那些想擺脫盯著排行榜的人來說,這個清單匯總了 2024 年最值得觀看的一些加密貨幣電影。

2024 年最值得觀看的加密貨幣電影清單:

  1. 比特幣銀行業 (2016)

  2. 比特幣的興起與崛起 (2014)

  3. 比特幣 (2019)

  4. 加密貨幣 (2019)

  5. 毒品 (2015)

  6. 信任機器:區塊鏈的故事 (2018)

  7. 比特幣:我們所知的貨幣的終結 (2015)

  8. 絲路 (2021)

  9. 傲骨賢妻(電視劇,2009-2016)

我們如何選出 2024 年頂級加密貨幣電影



2024 年最值得觀看的 9 部電影:熱門加密貨幣電影排名

如果瀏覽加密貨幣前 100 名目前沒有為您帶來任何不容錯過的交易機會,那麼請不要擔心。


1. 比特幣銀行業 (2016)





2016 796.6





2. 比特幣的興起與崛起 (2014)



IMDB 收視率


紀錄片 2014 80 7.1


它講述了電腦程式設計師和早期比特幣愛好者丹尼爾·莫羅斯 (Daniel Mross) 深入參與加密貨幣社區的生活。

The movie provides insights into the volatile nature of Bitcoin's value, its potential to disrupt traditional financial systems, and the diverse community that has emerged around it. On balance, it aims to offer viewers a comprehensive understanding of the Bitcoin phenomenon, from its niche early days to the point at which it had started to gain a prominent position in the global financial landscape.

3. Bitconned (2024)


DateRotten Tomatoes

Audience RatingIMDB



Bitconned is a documentary that explores the true story of the Centra Tech crypto scam. It delves into the exploits of three individuals who took advantage of the unregulated cryptocurrency market in the late 2010s to scam millions from investors and fund their lavish lifestyles.

The documentary explores themes such as greed, deception, and the human cost of fraud. If you're interested in learning more about the dark side of cryptocurrency and the human stories behind such scams, Bitconned might be worth checking out.

4. Crypto (2019)


DateRotten Tomatoes

Audience RatingIMDB



Crypto is a crime thriller film released in 2019 that revolves around the themes of money laundering, corruption, and cryptocurrency. The story follows a young anti-money laundering agent, Martin (played by Beau Knapp), who is assigned to investigate a web of corruption and illegal financial activities in his small hometown.

Throughout the movie, the tension between the traditional banking system and the emerging world of digital currencies crops up. To summarize, Crypto raises questions about the ethical implications of financial technologies and the challenges faced by law enforcement in the evolving landscape of digital currencies.

5. Dope (2015)


DateRotten Tomatoes

Audience RatingIMDB



Dope is a coming-of-age comedy-drama film released in 2015. The story revolves around Malcolm Adekanbi, a high school student and self-professed geek living in a tough neighborhood in Inglewood, California. Malcolm, along with his friends Jib and Diggy, is passionate about '90s hip-hop culture and academic pursuits.

While the movie is not specifically about cryptocurrency, it incorporates Bitcoin as a plot point. In an attempt to unload the drugs and escape their predicament, the characters use Bitcoin for a transaction, highlighting the digital currency's role in the contemporary world.

6. Trust Machine: The Story of Blockchain (2018)


DateRotten Tomatoes

Audience RatingIMDB



Trust Machine: The Story of Blockchain is a documentary released in 2018 that explores the potential impact of blockchain technology to the global economy. The film takes a broader perspective than just focusing on cryptocurrency, diving into the fundamental principles of the technology and blockchain’s various use cases beyond digital currency.

The documentary aims to demystify blockchain for a broader audience, offering a comprehensive look at the technology and its potential to reshape how we interact with information and conduct transactions in the digital age.

Trust Machine is thought to have taken a comprehensive look at the disruptive potential of blockchain technology, as well as the challenges it faces, such as privacy, security, and the potential societal implications of these topics.

7. Bitcoin: The End of Money as We Know It (2015)


DateRotten Tomatoes

Audience RatingIMDB



Bitcoin: The End of Money as We Know It is a documentary film released in 2015 that provides an overview of the history, principles, and potential impact of Bitcoin on the traditional financial system. The documentary explores the evolution of money and the role that Bitcoin, a decentralized digital currency, plays in challenging traditional monetary structures.

Through interviews with key figures in the cryptocurrency space, economists, and experts, the documentary explains the potential benefits and challenges associated with Bitcoin. It also addresses issues such as financial privacy, decentralization, and the implications of a global, borderless currency.

8. Silk Road (2021)


DateRotten Tomatoes Audience RatingIMDB



Silk Road is a crime thriller film released in 2021 that revolves around the rise and fall of the infamous dark web marketplace called Silk Road. The movie is based on real events and follows the story of Ross Ulbricht, the creator of Silk Road, and the federal agents who worked to bring him to justice.

Ross Ulbricht, operating under the pseudonym "Dread Pirate Roberts," launched Silk Road as an online marketplace for illicit goods and services, which primarily involved drug trafficking across national borders. Bitcoin was used as the primary payment method on Silk Road. The film explores the complex legal and ethical issues surrounding the use of cryptocurrencies, particularly Bitcoin, on the dark web for anonymous transactions.

9. The Good Wife, Bitcoin for Dummies (Season 3, Episode 13)


DateRotten Tomatoes Audience RatingIMDB



While this entry on the list is not a movie, Season 3 Episode 13 of The Good Wife was heavily focused on Bitcoin and cryptocurrency. The TV series itself follows a protagonist called Alicia Florrick, who is a legal defense attorney in Chicago, United States.

The episode that makes this list is titled Bitcoin for Dummies. The plot revolves around a client who is in a legal dispute relating to Bitcoin, and Alicia has to navigate the complexities of digital assets and the legal implications surrounding their use. Overall, Bitcoin for Dummies is thought to have provided a positive review of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency while still exploring the challenges of how crypto fits into the traditional legal system.

The bottom line: What is the best crypto movie to watch this year?

If you want to find a single crypto movie to watch, then you might feel spoiled for choice. There is a sea of options out there, and each one offers something slightly different.


對於那些嚴格尋求娛樂的人來說,您可能會選擇《Dope》(2015 年)或《Silk Road》(2021 年)。






