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但專家們關注 USDT 和 USDC 等穩定幣的提振,認為我們正處於加密貨幣領域另一次看漲行情的風口浪尖。

自 2023 年 10 月以來,穩定幣市場的復甦,USDT 和 USDC 等資產的市值增加了超過 90 億美元,總計達到 1,330 億美元,這標誌著加密貨幣領域的流動性強勁注入。

USDT 和 USDC 等穩定幣的價值近期上漲超過 90 億美元,暗示投資者的樂觀情緒不斷增強,這可能會引發市場看漲。


越來越多的用戶開始抱持希望,不僅因為比特幣減半即將到來,還因為那些大型比特幣 ETF 獲得批准,這可能真正讓事情進入高速發展階段。

隨著投資者對比特幣大舉押注,人們的興奮情緒日益高漲,一項研究暗示,2024 年4 月的減半可能會使比特幣的價值飆升至3 萬美元至6 萬美元之間,有些人甚至認為比特幣將突破6 萬美元的上限。

比特幣 ETF 的推出引起了轟動,吸引了大量現金,並激發了人們對加密貨幣投資的更多興趣。

在積極指標和市場動態的背景下,Arbitrum (ARB) 和Ondo (ONDO) 等新興加密貨幣作為投資者投資組合中潛在的隱藏寶石而受到關注,這表明它們也可以從更廣泛的市場上漲軌跡中受益。

與 ScapesMania 一起駕馭創新浪潮

ScapesMania 預售結束,成為加密社群的熱門話題。

該項目以前所未有的速度籌集了超過 540 萬美元,而該代幣的價值很可能在未來呈指數級增長。

隨著 3 月即將舉行的代幣生成活動 (TGE),人們的注意力轉移到公開發售上。


現在讓它溜走將是一種巨大的浪費,特別是因為您只需點擊一下滑鼠即可在 TGE 之前加入。

TGE 先前提高潛在回報的最後機會

ScapesMania 背後的團隊擁有多年的專業知識,制定了穩健的上市後行銷策略。


透過 DAO 治理,支持者將能夠影響價值數十億美元的產業並從中受益。

Moreover, the token's utility is impressive. It's not another meme coin whose success relies heavily on trends and hype. ScapesMania ($MANIA) is a well-balanced, meticulously designed project that acts as a gaming ecosystem. As a player in the $376 billion gaming industry, it leverages the market's growth potential. Post-debut, holders can anticipate greater liquidity and easier trading.

The community's excitement about the project is evident so far: the follower count has reached 60K+. Also, the growing interest from crypto whales with deposits of $20,000+ might expedite ScapesMania's transition from niche to mainstream.

ScapesMania's smart contract has received approval from prominent security-ranking firms, ensuring peace of mind for holders. Additionally, the award-winning team behind ScapesMania secured a prestigious grant from a prominent player in the blockchain industry.

Furthermore, ScapesMania is notable for putting its community front and center. Driving customer engagement and making sure that everyone benefits through great tokenomics and generous rewards is where ScapesManias stands out.

Make sure you don't pass up the opportunity to leverage all discounts and potentially beat the market as the public sale unfolds. Be quick if you want to get your hands on those lucrative tokens before they're all gone!

Public Sale ALERT – Seize Your Chance

Arbitrum (ARB): Pioneering Development with Incentive Programs

Arbitrum (ARB) is making waves in the blockchain space with its recent announcement of a nearly $90 million incentives program aimed at fostering development and user engagement on its layer-2 network. Arbitrum (ARB) DAO is pushing the envelope, setting aside a hefty 45.8 million ARB tokens to fuel ecosystem expansion and spark innovation across its network.

The price range for Arbitrum (ARB) currently stands between $1.37 and $2.27. The support levels are identified at $0.07 and $0.98, while the resistance levels are marked at $2.79 and $3.70.

With a smart incentive program and trading volumes that now eclipse Ethereum's, Arbitrum (ARB) is poised for an even brighter tomorrow. Arbitrum (ARB) is handing out $90 million in Arbitrum (ARB) tokens, and that move is quite smart. It could be the magnet that pulls more devs and their brainy projects onboard. If it works, we might just see more people jumping on the Arbitrum (ARB) train, using those tokens like there's no tomorrow. But, there's this buzz about how Arbitrum (ARB) might be too centralized, and that's got some users worried it could slow down adoption.

Ondo (ONDO): Expanding Horizons with APAC Growth

Ondo (ONDO) 正在向亞太地區戰略進軍,利用該地區日益增長的數位資產熱潮,由 Ashwin Khosa 擔任業務開發副總裁。

在 Coinbase 的支持下,Ondo (ONDO) 旨在透過在該地區開設第一個辦事處並任命 Ashwin Khosa 為亞太區業務開發副總裁來利用其在代幣化證券領域的重要市場份額。

Ondo (ONDO) 目前的價格範圍在 0.155 美元至 0.294 美元之間。

支撐位為 0.095 美元,阻力位為 0.373 美元和 0.512 美元。

Ondo (ONDO) 進軍亞太地區是明智之舉,因為它將順應加密貨幣熱潮並駕馭新規則。

OUSG、OMMF 和 USDY 等產品的推出可以吸引更廣泛的全球投資者基礎,這些產品以代幣化的形式提供美國資產的投資。

但 Ondo (ONDO) 要想在亞太地區蓬勃發展,就必須應對該地區棘手的規則和強勁的競爭對手。

Ondo (ONDO) 能否在亞太地區取得成功取決於他們與合作夥伴的聯繫以及如何調整遊戲以滿足每個當地場景的需求。




在這些發展中,Arbitrum (ARB) 和 Ondo (ONDO) 等新興加密貨幣脫穎而出,成為投資者投資組合中潛在的隱藏寶石。


Arbitrum (ARB) 激勵計畫和 Ondo (ONDO) 在亞太地區的擴張體現了這些加密貨幣旨在實現成長並為早期投資者提供豐厚回報的多種途徑。




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