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BONK,自稱為第三大受總督啟發的迷因貨幣,已經復活,在過去 24 小時內飆升了 25%。


由於價格的突然上漲,BONK 重新回到了令人垂涎的前 100 名加密貨幣排名,這重新點燃了投資者的樂觀情緒,並引發了更大的加密貨幣社群的關注。



將BONK從瀕臨絕種的邊緣帶回前100名 就



另一方面,過去幾天,財富之風發生了根本性轉變,BONK 的股價飆升,使其重新成為加密貨幣產業的焦點。


兩種最著名的加密貨幣比特幣和以太幣價格都大幅上漲,其中比特幣上漲 4.6%,以太幣上漲 3%。


儘管如此,此次上漲也受到了 BONK 生態系統內部發生的具體變化的影響。

BONK 協議最近的變化,包括為代幣持有者提供更大的實用性以及引入新的社區項目,似乎重新點燃了人們對該項目的興趣。


BONK 與 Solana 區塊鏈的緊密聯繫也有可能提供進一步的幫助,該區塊鏈的價格也上漲了 7.4%。


The Technicals Are Green, But Caution Is Still the Best OptionThe present posture of BONK looks to be encouraging from a technological point of view. The Relative Strength Index (RSI) for the token is now hovering at 58, which indicates that there is a good amount of purchasing pressure. Additionally, since it is trading above its 30-day moving average, it indicates that there is possibility for sustained gain in the short future.On the other hand, experienced investors are aware that the world of memecoins is fraught with instability. The fact that BONK hit its all-time high of $0.00003416 in December 2023 serves as a stark reminder of the possibility of significant fluctuations in price.In addition, the token's market worth of $641 million is insignificant when compared to that of its competitors in the meme-coin space, such as Dogecoin and Shiba Inu. This highlights the need of greater acceptance and an ongoing commitment to community participation.


The recent increase of 25% in the value of BONK is a demonstration of the tenacity of the meme currency as well as the strength of the support of the community. In spite of the fact that riding the wave of the market and improvements inside the company have offered a much-needed lift, the path that lies ahead is still difficult.The most important challenges that BONK must surmount in order to ensure its position in the top 100 – and beyond – are overcoming volatility, establishing itself within the meme-coin environment, and obtaining broader usage.


