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比特幣突破 51,000 美元:2024 年牛市前值得購買的 5 種山寨幣

比特幣突破 51,000 美元:2024 年牛市前值得購買的 5 種山寨幣





截至今天,2024 年 2 月 14 日,全球領先的加密貨幣已突破 51,000 美元大關,再創歷史新高。



1 美元以下的 5 個隱藏寶石加密貨幣,2024 年成長潛力為 5,000%


許多專家認為,在機構採用率增加、突破性去中心化金融 (DeFi) 應用程式的開發以及區塊鏈技術用例不斷擴大的推動下,2024 年可能是山寨幣最終佔據中心舞台的一年。



因此,無論您是經驗豐富的加密貨幣投資者還是剛剛涉足市場,本指南都將為您提供知識,幫助您做出明智的投資決策,並有可能利用 2024 年山寨幣的繁榮。

Uniswap (UNI)

一個 UNI 值多少錢:6.87 美元



,Uniswap 每對 UNI/USD 的即時價值為 6.873887 美元,市值為 41.1 億美元。


UNI 兌美元匯率不斷更新,反映即時市場狀況。

在流通量 5.9819 億個 UNI 代幣的支撐下,Uniswap 在過去一天增長了 +1.05%。

Uniswap (UNI) 作為全球最大的去中心化交易所 (DEX) 之一,其總鎖定價值 (TVL) 令人印象深刻,預計將繼續攀升,預示著光明的未來。

其優勢在於消除中間商,實現直接加密貨幣交易,這與蓬勃發展的 DeFi 市場完美契合。

最近,Uniswap 迎來了第四版,展現了對使用者體驗的重視。


「Hooks」是自動化做市商 (AMM) 的一項革命性功能,使開發人員能夠以新的靈活性和創造力與資產池進行互動。


Uniswap Labs stays true to its decentralized roots by actively involving the community. This ensures the platform evolves in tandem with user needs and preferences, solidifying its position as a responsive and user-centric leader in the DeFi space.

Polygon (MATIC)

How much is one MATC worth:$0.88

As per latest data on Binance, the current price of Polygon is marked at $0.889057 per MATIC/USD, with the overall market valuation standing at $8.55 billion USD. The 24-hour trading volume has been recorded at $378.99 million USD. The MATIC to USD rate is meticulously updated to mirror the live market scenario. Over the last 24 hours, Polygon has seen an upward movement of +1.34%, underpinned by a circulating supply of 9.62 billion MATIC tokens.

Polygon (MATIC) stands tall as a prominent Layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum, tackling the network's scalability hurdles and paving the way for mainstream adoption. Its impressive partnerships with renowned brands like Fox Corporation, DraftKings, NFL, Starbucks, and Nike illustrate its growing influence and potential.

Analystsin the field, including Michaël van de Poppe, have observed that MATIC has demonstrated steadfastness at crucial support levels over extended periods, with signs of liquidity absorption suggesting a readiness for an upward trajectory. Although MATIC has faced some challenges in performance lately, predictions are circulating about a potential major upswing, with forecasts pointing towards a target range of $1.25 to $1.50. This would represent an impressive increase of roughly 90%, signaling a strong optimism surrounding MATIC's future market movements.

Immutable X (IMX)

How much is one UNI worth: $2.98

The current price of Immutable is set at $2.988264 for each IMX/USD pair, showcasing a market capitalization of $4.05 billion USD. The volume of trades over the last 24 hours is noted at $152.90 million USD. The IMX to USD exchange rate is dynamically updated, ensuring accuracy with live market trends. Immutable has witnessed a positive adjustment of +2.97% within the last 24 hours, supported by a circulating supply of 1.36 billion IMX tokens.

Immutable X (IMX) enters the arena with Sphere, a dedicated NFT marketplace for gamers. This strategic move solidifies their position in the booming gaming market, further amplified by partnerships with influential players like Polygon, VanEck, and Ubisoft.

Support from industry leaders like VanEck and Ubisoft not only bolsters IMX's credibility but also opens doors to capturing a significant market share. This strategic positioning has fueled investor confidence, resulting in a price surge within the past week, climbing from $1.89 to $2.31 (11.09% increase). Additionally, market capitalization jumped over 20%, exceeding $3 billion.

Altlayer (ALT)

How much is one ALT worth: $0.39

The current market price of Altlayer is quoted at $0.396386 for each ALT/USD, presenting a total market valuation of $436.03 million USD. The trading activity over the past 24 hours has amounted to $202.95 million USD. The exchange rate for ALT to USD is continuously refreshed to reflect the latest market dynamics accurately. Altlayer has experienced a notable increase of +13.12% in the previous 24 hours, backed by a circulating supply of 1.10 billion ALT tokens.

Altlayer (ALT) aims to revolutionize blockchain scalability and interoperability with its "Restaked Rollups" concept. This ambitious project seeks to integrate diverse rollup technologies, boosting security, decentralization, and transaction speed.

Through its restaking mechanism, Altlayer unlocks enhanced efficiency and interoperability, tackling two long-standing challenges within the blockchain industry. This promising solution paves the way for smoother operation and broader adoption.

Read more: Top 5 Cryptocurrencies To Watch in February 2024

Tackling scalability and interoperability head-on addresses crucial barriers to mainstream adoption. Backing from prominent crypto investors and launching products dedicated to optimizing rollup functionality solidify its foundation for future growth. As the blockchain ecosystem rapidly evolves, Altlayer's commitment to solving complex technical hurdles positions it as a project with significant potential for impact.

Pyth Network (PYTH)

How much is one ALT worth: $0.68

The current trading value of Pyth Network, as per Binance, is marked at $0.681162 for each PYTH/USD, showcasing a market capitalization of $1.02 billion USD. The 24-hour trading volume has reached $234.18 million USD. The exchange rate for PYTH to USD is constantly refreshed to accurately reflect live market conditions. Pyth Network has witnessed a remarkable gain of +15.21% in the last 24 hours, supported by a circulating supply of 1.50 billion PYTH tokens.

The Pyth Network (PYTH) aims to stand out in the DeFi space by supplying real-time market data directly to blockchain applications. Its oracle network boasts unrivaled speed and accuracy across diverse financial instruments, differentiating it from the competition.

Pyth aggregates data from top-tier financial institutions, ensuring high-quality market information readily available for DeFi applications. This empowers users with real-time insights, leading to more informed and efficient market decisions. PYTH's potential to "explode" is fueled by its ability to solve a crucial pain point: reliable and timely data within DeFi. Partnerships with leading data providers and support for over 40 blockchains position Pyth as the go-to oracle service, enhancing DeFi application functionality. This widespread interoperability and commitment to real-time data make Pyth a key player in driving DeFi adoption forward.



雖然本文探討了五種有前途的山寨幣– Uniswap (UNI)、Polygon (MATIC)、Immutable X (IMX)、Pyth Network (PYTH) 和VeChain (VET) – 請記住,這些資訊僅用於教育目的,不應作為參考。解釋為財務建議。







