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XRP 飆升至 0.60 美元目標,並可能根據這三個因素攀升至 1 美元

XRP 的價格週五飆升約 2%,接近 60 美分的目標。

隨著 2 月 20 日 SEC v. Ripple 訴訟更新的截止日期臨近,XRP 持有者正在等待。

鏈上測量可能是 XRP 上漲的催化劑,這將使 XRPLedger 的原生貨幣重新發揮 1 美元目標的作用。

週五,XRPLedger 生產的原生代幣 XRP 的價格上漲至 0.5791 美元,越來越接近 0.60 美元的目標。隨著強有力的鏈上措施以及 SEC 訴訟取得有利結果的可能性增加,XRP 的價格可能會回到 1 美元的水平。

XRP 週五的交易量達到 18.1 億,比 2 月 10 日記錄的 5.7841 億有所增加。在大多數情況下,交易量的增加伴隨著另類加密貨幣的價格飆升,如圖所示較早的實例

XRP 飆升至 0.60 美元目標,並可能根據這三個因素攀升至 1 美元

Network Realized Profit/Loss indicator, which is used to assess the profit/loss realized by traders on a particular day, exhibits a sequence of negative spikes, which indicates that holders of XRP experienced losses on many occasions between January 1, 2024 and February 15, 2024. The fact that this is happening is consistent with surrender, and it is probable that a significant price increase will follow. According to the Santiment chart that follows, the price of XRP roughly doubled between September and November 2023. This occurred after the Network Realized Profit/Loss measure saw persistent spikes in the negative direction. It is possible that the $1 objective may become important once again if the trend continues to repeat itself, and the price of XRP may see a significant increase in the weeks and months that continue to follow. Typically, the price of XRP is affected by developments in the dispute between the SEC and Ripple. February 20th is the next important date for the legal fight that the United States banking authority is engaged in against Ripple. This will be the point at which the discovery phase pertaining to medicines comes to an end. The price of XRP may return to its top in 2024 and then continue to rise, according to technical analysis.The price of XRP is now heading in an upward direction, and on Friday, the alternative cryptocurrency reached a high of $0.5791. A resistance level of $0.60 is getting closer and closer to the asset. When it comes to the price of XRP, the 2024 top of $0.6405 is once again a goal to consider. The Awesome Oscillator (AO) displays green bars, which is evidence that an upward trend in the price of XRP is now in effect. Over the course of almost the whole month of February 2024, it has remained green and the temperature has remained above zero. Because the Moving Average Convergence/Divergence (MACD) indicator displays a single green bar that is located above the zero level, it indicates that XRP is beginning to see a return to positive momentum. The altcoin's surge toward $0.60 is supported by this development. The level of $0.60 and the level of $0.64 are the most important resistances for XRP. As soon as the price of XRP turns these resistances into support, the next important goal is the top of $0.75 that will occur in November 2023. If the price of XRP continues to rise, it may be possible to bring the 2023 top of $0.9380 and the psychologically significant threshold of $1 back into the narrative for the alternative cryptocurrency.

XRP 飆升至 0.60 美元目標,並可能根據這三個因素攀升至 1 美元

It is possible that a sweep of support below $0.50 will occur before the price of XRP starts its ascent if a daily candlestick closes below the low of $0.5203 that was reached on Wednesday.


