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The allure of the currency circle: can it really m

Why are so many people keen on speculating in currencies? Can the currency circle really make people rich overnight? Because the currency circle is a mysterious and attractive circle. We often hear or see how much wealth someone has created in the currency circle, and someone has achieved financial freedom through digital currency. It is undeniable that many people want to get rich suddenly. Moreover, it is still possible to achieve financial freedom through luck and basically no effort. Therefore, there are so many people rushing to enter the currency circle. To put it simply, the currency circle is like a lottery. Why do we often see a certain lottery shop winning millions or tens of millions? It’s actually all marketing and hype. Their millions and tens of millions are accumulated from the lottery money of tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of people. Through this kind of marketing, more people will be attracted into this circle to invest money, thereby selecting one person from tens of thousands of people. So why not the currency circle? When the popularity of the currency circle subsides, the power behind it will increase the popularity. For example, the sharp rise of Bitcoin in 20, 21, and 22 years, isn't that attracting more people to enter the currency circle? This will bring in more leeks, create some suddenly rich people, and increase the popularity of the currency circle. Do you think my analysis makes sense? Please leave your comments!The allure of the currency circle: can it really m


