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山寨幣季節拉力賽前最值得購買的加密貨幣一文首先出現在 Coinpedia 上

專注於數位資產的投資公司 Pantera Capital 預計,未來 18-24 個月內將出現繁榮的加密貨幣牛市。



BlastUP 成為 DApp 發表領域的遊戲規則改變者

BlastUP 是一個基於 Blast 的


,Blast 是一種傳奇的第 2 層區塊鏈,以其令人眼花繚亂的開局佔據了頭條新聞,在短短

一個月內就獲得了超過 10 億美元的 TVL

BlastUP 的影響可能是巨大的,因為其使用一整套 Web3 和 AI 工具啟動 DApp 的創新解決方案將受到新創公司的歡迎。

BlastUP 代幣的預售正在進行中,此時投資它們可能就像在 2017 年花幾美元購買以太坊一樣。隨著每個新的預售階段,BlastUP 代幣的價值都會增加。


現在是以60% 折扣的


購買 BlastUP 代幣的


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持有者還可以透過質押 BlastUP 代幣來賺取利息,並從種子質押功能中受益,該功能提供來自受支持項目的免費代幣。

BlastUP 不僅僅是另一個加密項目,它擁有贏得廣大受眾忠誠度的堅實基礎。


BlastUP 的詳細路線圖持續到 2026 年,計劃推出 AI IDO 篩選器、AI 新創團隊工具和


BlastUP 正準備成為





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Polygon 的穩定上漲趨勢準備測試 1.5 美元的阻力位

Looking at Polygon’s performance, its current price of $1.06 shows a stable upwards trend, reflected in the MACD and 10-day and 100-day Simple Moving Average signals. Breaking through the resistance level 1 of $1.18, it appears poised to test the resistance level at $1.5. If this upward momentum continues, it could foreshadow a potential significant increase in the long term.

On the other hand, it’s noteworthy to consider the risks. Even while rising, Polygon rests in a neutral zone, as indicated by the RSI and Stochastic recommendations. Should it fail to breach the $1.18 resistance, a downturn to support levels of $0.64 and possibly $0.50 is possible. Therefore, a cautious approach may be beneficial while watching for future price movements.

XRP Poised for Growth amid Legal Scrutiny: Bullish Trend and Market Risks Analysis

On a more optimistic note, the enhanced political scrutiny and ongoing legal battles could turn out to be a hidden advantage for Ripple (XRP) as they might potentially enhance its awareness and adoption. Considering its current price of $0.55 and market signals, XRP is poised to test the resistance level of $0.60 in the short-term, and potentially $0.70 in the long-term, given the momentum fostered by these developments.

Conversely, despite the possible surge towards a bullish trend, the sheer uncertainty revolving around its legal status may induce caution among investors. The current MACD and RSI indicators also suggest a neutral action, adding to the cautious stance. The support levels of $0.45 and $0.39 serve as potential fallback points should the market reaction swing contrary to expectations. These complexities underline the importance of sustainably managing short-term and long-term risks associated with XRP.

Arbitrum Investment in Film Production May Stimulate Price Rally

The investment by the Arbitrum Foundation in a crypto-related film production may generate a surge in public attention on the project and stimulate a price rally. Combined with a supportive Simple Moving Average of 100 days, short-term gains may propel ARB to breach the resistance levels of $2.28 and $2.80. Nevertheless, the neutral RSI and Stochastic RSI call for cautious optimism.

On the flip side, the potential public interest in ARB might also invite speculative trading, leading to short-lived price spikes followed by corrections. The MACD and Simple Moving Average of 10 days are posting sell signals, hinting at a potential downward pressure. Consequently, ARB’s price might retrace to its support levels between $1.37 and $0.98, providing buying opportunities for long-term holders.

Sei is Navigating Between Short-term Volatility and Long-term Growth

Sei 正在遠離市場施加的引力。

目前價格徘徊在 0.87 美元,支撐位為 0.45 美元至 0.25 美元,阻力位為 0.96 美元至 1.27 美元,該代幣牢牢錨定在中性區域。

100 天簡單移動平均線表示買入行動,可能暗示長期成長趨勢。

儘管如此,MACD 和短期 10 日簡單移動平均線傾向於拋售,這表明近期可能會出現波動。

Sei 的短期和長期前景之間的比較很有趣。

100 日簡單移動平均線所顯示的潛在長期成長可能是一種優勢。


RSI 和隨機 RSI 處於中立位置,增加了謹慎樂觀的情緒。


雖然 Polygon、XRP、Arbitrum 和 Sei 顯示出回報潛力,但它們也面臨各種風險和不確定性。

另一方面,BlastUP 脫穎而出,不僅擁有高成長潛力,而且擁有持續到 2026 年的穩健計劃。該專案植根於傳奇的 Blast L2 區塊鏈,憑藉其創新理念,似乎已做好了成功的準備。

BlastUP 代幣的預售階段為那些關注預期山寨幣季節反彈的人提供了絕佳的投資機會。






