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60% 的價格爆炸使 Theta Network 成為加密貨幣反彈的領頭羊

名為 Theta Network (THETA) 的加密貨幣促進了去中心化視訊串流和邊緣運算,其價值在過去一天增長了 60%。

由於這一增長,THETA 的收益超過了所有其他前 100 名加密貨幣。

造成反彈的原因有很多,其中最重要的是 THETA 的積極圖表設定、比特幣帶動的加密貨幣市場的普遍上漲,以及下季度推出 Theta EdgeCloud 帶來的興奮。

EdgeCloud 的推出點燃了成長催化劑

Theta EdgeCloud 是創建全球點對點雲端運算網路的雄心勃勃的努力,是 Theta Network 樂觀未來的基礎。


Theta 製造商昨天發推文稱,「Theta EdgeCloud 第一階段將於第二季推出!」這進一步增加了人們對這一突破的熱情。

閱讀先睹為快的部落格文章,了解 Theta EdgeCloud 如何帶來人工智慧運算的革命。

從 Render Network (RNDR) 和 Fetch.Ai (FET) 等計畫取得的顯著進步可以看出,目前市場對 AI 相關代幣的興奮與 Theta 進軍 AI 運算領域是一致的。

鑑於這種一致性,可以合理地假設 Theta 最近的價格上漲是由於其內在價值主張及其在加密貨幣市場蓬勃發展的人工智慧敘述中的戰略地位。

Theta 團隊最近發布的一篇部落格文章擴展了 EdgeCloud 的既定目標,即透過使 GPU 處理能力更廣泛地用於人工智慧和視訊活動,為傳統雲端運算提供一種去中心化、經濟高效的替代方案。

該專案利用全球最大的 Theta Edge Network 的大量分散式 GPU 處理能力來支援各種人工智慧應用,例如語言模型、文字到圖像、文字到視訊楷模。

本文進一步詳細介紹了 Theta Edge Network 的技術能力,展示了其支援各種人工智慧應用程式並使 GPU 處理能力更容易為大眾所使用的能力。

正如文章所述,“這種巨大的處理能力[...] 可以提供多達2500 個同等的NVIDIA A100,足以訓練和服務一些最大的語言模型”,展示了該網絡如何極大地影響人工智能計算領域。

Theta's proprietary technology for a blockchain-supported edge computing platform ushers in a new age of hybrid computing architectures, reflecting the company's innovation-driven attitude. "This really got things rolling in terms of developing a hybrid computing architecture for the future," the group said.A strong bullish breakthrough has been seen on the 1-week period chart of the Theta coin (THETA/USD). The price has risen dramatically over the last week, suggesting renewed enthusiasm among buyers. Nevertheless, the $2.28 level, which provided vital support at the beginning of 2022, has emerged as a serious obstacle to the rise.After a tremendous surge from its recent lows of around $0.55, THETA was trading at about $2.01 at press time, indicating a gain of more than 365% in a just 20 weeks. The 20-week and 50-week exponential moving averages (EMAs) were significant levels of support before to the breakout, while the 100-week and 200-week EMAs were critical levels of resistance.A significant trigger might be the breakthrough over the 100- and 200-week exponential moving averages (blue line). Particularly, at about 62.6, the relative strength index (RSI) is much below the overbought level of 70. This indicates that the market could still have space to rise before it is deemed overextended.The Fibonacci retracement levels, which are drawn from the all-time high to the important low, provide credence to this argument by indicating that the Theta price remains in fairly negative zone. The 0.236 level at $4.31911099 is significant resistance and would need a further doubling of the price for THETA to overcome. But first, we must break over the $2.28 resistance.

60% 的價格爆炸使 Theta Network 成為加密貨幣反彈的領頭羊

The 0.382 level at $6.64707545, the 0.5 level at $8.5285097, and the 0.618 level at $10.41008649 might be tested if the weekly closes decisively above this level. On the other side, the 200-week exponential moving average (EMA) may be revisited if the present level is rejected.A little rise in trade activity, as seen by the volume indicator, has occurred in tandem with the most recent price climb, providing support for the breakout. Nevertheless, this statistic will be actively watched by traders and investors to see whether the momentum is strong enough to surpass the present resistance zone.


