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Let’s talk sector rotation!If you don’t have the ability to quickly seize the market rotation, and you haven’t bought a hot hot currency, and you watch the strong currency suddenly and suddenly rise, then you don’t have to worry or even doubt whether your currency will not rise sharply in the future. !This just requires you to be patient and hold the low-priced currency in your hand. When funds rotate, it will always be your turn.When the altcoin market comes and your currency is not strong, it doesn't matter in the short term. What you are afraid of is that your currency starts to sell, but you sell it. The scariest thing is that if you want to chase other coins that are pulling the market, but you sell your own low-priced coins, you will be trapped on the top of the mountain. What’s even more terrifying is that as soon as you sell out, your coins are gone.If the bull market goes through this for several times, it is inevitable that the mentality will collapse. Then you need to unblock the currency that has skyrocketed and pulled, and wait patiently for the sudden pull of your holding currency. If there is no sudden pull, there will be no shipment!Stick to the currency standard! In the long term, it won’t move. If the mid-line bursts, it is almost shipped. If it falls by 10%-15%, it must be bought back quickly. If the bull market rises too much, there will be a correction. Bulls turn back quickly and rise faster. If you can’t buy back in time, just buy it back in time. If it sells out, it’s better to hold the currency without moving.


