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BTC Broke ATH: What's Next

BTC broke, but not quite to new highs (ATH)BTC is as weird as breaking ATH.There are two weird things:1. BTC broke ATH before halving for the first time, which has never happened in ten years of history.2. After BTC broke ATH, it did not continue to rise. Instead, it plunged into the range below 60,000, and the correction was so fast.Please listen carefully to the two predictions I will make next.1: I predict that this wave of corrections is basically to explode the contract. In other words, it is not a correction. If BTC wants to achieve greater results, it must first work hard, work hard, starve its body, and experience a greater magnitude. callback. Clean up many armies at once, but not now.2: The market value of BTC in this bull market will exceed the market value of gold for the first time, reaching more than 3 trillion US dollars. One BTC will reach US$200,000 at the peak of this bull market. The reason for this judgment lies in the supply and demand relationship of BTC. We have always said that supply and demand determine everything. In the long run, the only reason that affects prices is the relationship between supply and demand, not the so-called favorable policies. . . The current supply of BTC is only 900 coins per day, while the securities ETF market buys 4,000 coins per day. After the halving, the supply becomes 450 coins, and the demand will increase even more. But what happens to prices when demand is more than ten times greater than supply? I have no idea! Because it has never happened in history! But BTC will tell us. BTC was changing history yesterday, it is changing today, and it will change tomorrow. Remember what I said, BTC is the trigger for human civilization to move into a new era of digitalization, and civilization will be reshaped.What kind of products should be laid out and how to maximize the profit strategy? For communication, please go to my homepage. BTC Broke ATH: What's Next


