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一切實際上都從週一開始,當時比特幣的價格自 2021 年 11 月(上一個歷史高點月份)以來首次升至 65,000 美元以上。

事實上,這次上漲已經使 BTC 的價格突破了 68,000 美元,非常接近之前的歷史高點。

夜間,金價實際上暫時跌破 66,000 美元,可能是由於亞洲市場的獲利了結,但隨著昨天美國市場重新開盤,金價在短短幾個小時內躍升至 69,000 美元以上,創下歷史新高。

然而,有必要指出的是,導致這一上漲的欣快感和 FOMO 早在 2 月 26 日比特幣飆升至 52,000 美元以上時就開始在加密貨幣市場蔓延。

所有這一切都必須以去年 10 月開始的真正牛市為背景,當時比特幣的價格首先升至 30,000 美元以上,然後升至 35,000 美元以上。




事實上,一旦比特幣價格升至 69,000 美元以上,就會觸發拋售,在短短幾個小時內將其價格降至 60,000 美元以下。


所有這些確實導致了從 69,000 美元以上短暫「崩潰」至 60,000 美元以下,但幾乎立即反彈至 65,000 美元。

隨後,價格在夜間升至 67,000 美元以上,這可能要歸功於亞洲市場前一天拋售以兌現收益。

所以最終不是崩盤,而是從 69,000 美元回調至 66,000 美元,不要忘記兩天前價格仍為 62,000 美元。

儘管在 5 小時內增長了 13%,但在這種情況下談論「崩潰」實際上似乎很不正確。



Indeed, the rise from $62,000 to $69,000 in just over 24 hours has liquidated many short positions of those who were betting on a correction, but then the correction has liquidated many long positions of those who were betting on the continuation of the rally.

In the end, the price actually went from $62,000 on Monday to $66,000 today, but through a quick rise up to $69,000 and a very rapid correction down to $60,000.

It was precisely these two very fast events that left no escape for short sellers and “longists”, as many did not have time to close or modify their positions.

In these cases forced liquidations are triggered, even if everything then turns out to be a flash in the pan.

According to the Coinglass data, in just one day yesterday, almost 300 million dollars of short positions were liquidated first, and then almost 900 million dollars of long positions.

Altogether, nearly 1.2 billion dollars have been liquidated on leveraged cryptocurrency futures markets.

If short liquidations were not a record, long liquidations were, as in recent months we had never seen anything like it.

The return to normality

It was actually a “great cleaning”, although only in the short term, which may have brought the situation back to an apparent normality.

To tell the truth, this 2024 for the crypto market is anything but normal. In fact, never before had the price of Bitcoin reached a new all-time high just before the halving, because in the three previous cases the new highs had always been reached months after the halving.

However, we must begin to get used to a new normality, because with the arrival of BTC spot ETFs on US exchanges, the basic structure of the Bitcoin market has changed.

It is possible that yesterday’s big clean-up brought the Bitcoin market back to the new normal, so much so that today it may almost seem like nothing sensational has happened, if one were to limit oneself to analyzing what is happening now.


The fact is that even the FOMO of recent days now seems to be dissolving.

By analyzing, in fact, the graph of searches for the word “bitcoin” on Google in the last seven days it is discovered that the peak was on February 28th, while yesterday we stopped at 80% of the peak at the end of February.

Furthermore, the same peak on February 28th turned out to be only slightly higher than that of January 11th, and not at the record levels of November 2021, or for example those of June 2022.

Actually, the current level is similar to yesterday at this time, so it cannot be ruled out that with the reopening of the US stock exchanges it could peak again, but the sentiment dropped to more physiological levels would suggest otherwise.

It remains to be seen whether the US markets will continue to be bullish, as they have been for months now, or if in case of a new rise to new highs, a correction for further profit-taking could occur again, perhaps starting from $70,000.


