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Currency Circle Speculation: A Story of Risk, Loss

A beautiful woman has been speculating in currencies for five years: all her credit cards, cars, houses, and mortgages have been liquidated

Then, with one operation, I made 700 times the profit!

The story told is a microcosm of some people in the currency circle. Today I will share with you the story in this article. #BOME #热门话题

The protagonist of the story is a person who has been exposed to Bitcoin since 2013 and entered the currency circle. She mainly engages in short-term speculation.

In December 2013, Bitcoin reached the peak of that bull market of 8,000 yuan, and then began to decline like a waterfall. During the period from 2014 to 2015, Bitcoin was trading sideways at around 1,800 yuan. From 8,000 yuan to 1,800 yuan, it has fallen by nearly 80%.

The heroine believes that this is the bottom of Bitcoin, so she is ready to go big and seize this opportunity.

She started to enter the market. Instead of a one-time stud, she used the method of building positions in batches until the position was almost full. In order to prevent herself from liquidating her position and being able to replenish her margin at any time, she mortgaged all the money she could borrow with her credit card, the car and her house that could be mortgaged, and the liquidation line was reached at 980 yuan.

In other words, as long as the price of Bitcoin is not lower than 980 yuan, she will be safe and even realize her dream of getting rich overnight. But once the price of Bitcoin is lower than 980 yuan, her position will be completely liquidated.

The opposite happened: Bitcoin continued to fall from 1,800 yuan, reaching a minimum of 900 yuan, falling below her liquidation line. All her cash was wiped out, and all she had left was a few hundred Litecoins and a bunch of unknown altcoins.

But she was not discouraged and continued to wait for the opportunity, preparing to try again with the few hundred Litecoins she had left.

Three months after her liquidation, Litecoin had been consolidating around 10 yuan for a long time. She thought the opportunity would come again, so she bet all her Litecoins on the contract. The position was still full, and of course leverage was indispensable.

This time she was lucky, the market came, and as the market continued to rise, she kept adding money to her positions and repeated the operation. In the end, she won the turnaround with the hundreds of Litecoins in her hand. During the war, his assets increased 700 times and he made millions.

After reading the story, should we envy her luck, "doubled it 700 times" and "earned millions", or should we take a breath for the several bottomless pits hidden in this process?

If readers feel envious after reading such a story, then such a story is poison.

During the entire process, she used all dangerous methods, and she experienced the cruelty of these methods when her position was liquidated for the first time. However, she still couldn't do without these methods when she entered the market again. It's like taking drugs, once you become addicted, you will be addicted for life.

In her first operation, she entered the market with a loan, and it was not an ordinary loan, but a loan + mortgage. It can be said that she entered the market regardless of any risks.

Her criteria for judging the timing of entry were exactly the same when she entered the market twice: after the market went sideways for a period of time, she thought the bottom had been reached and started to enter the market. The difference is that the first time is not the bottom, but the second time is the bottom. The second time the judgment is correct, but we cannot judge whether this is technology or luck.

I am very opposed to all three of her methods of operation.

Stories come from other people!

If you don't know how to screen strong coins, then I suggest you follow me. Whether it is spot or Heyue, a small move may be your limit. The opportunity is very short, so you must seize it! Success does not depend on luck, choice is greater than hard work, and the circle determines your destiny. In addition to having a sharp eye to save time and measure the situation in the currency circle, you must also keep up with a good team and a good leader. Follow me and you will have already won half the battle in the currency circle. !

Currency Circle Speculation: A Story of Risk, Loss


