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這種山寨幣隻需一根蠟燭即可列印 200%!

這種山寨幣隻需一根蠟燭即可列印 200%!


他們預計加密貨幣的價格可能會上漲 200%。


這種山寨幣正處於重大突破的邊緣,可能反映了比特幣的反彈,在單一價格蠟燭中價值大幅上漲 200%。


BlastUP 預售:Blast 生態系統中的第一個 Launchpad 已上線!

BlastUP 是 Blast 的開創性啟動平台,Blast 是尖端的第 2 層解決方案,

短短 35 天內鎖定的

總價值已迅速達到 10 億美元

BlastUP 的成功也是顯而易見的,它在短短幾週內迅速籌集了 250 萬美元,吸引了精明的早期投資者的注意。

BlastUP 站在





BlastUP 代幣預售的第五階段已經開始,隨著每個新階段的進行,代幣的價格都會上漲。

目前價格鎖定為 0.055 美元,而 DEX 上市價格將為 0.1 美元。


45.% 的折扣

,因此現在是以最優惠的價格購買 BlastUP 代幣的最佳時機。

>> 立即搶購 BlastUP 代幣以獲得最大回報!


BlastUP 代幣持有者可以享受


,例如早期參與代幣銷售、IDO 中的特殊獎勵以及透過質押賺取額外代幣的機會。


隨著 BlastUP 不斷前進,它仍然致力於

為 Blast 社群創建一個



憑藉以社區為中心的方法和創新動力,BlastUP 正在迅速獲得關注,



BlastUP 的路線圖延續到 2026 年,承諾引進人工智慧驅動的工具和



BlastUP 代幣是該平台的基石,可解鎖分層 IDO 發布、




>> 把握機會,透過 BlastUP 更快成長並賺取更多!


Jupiter’s Value Skyrockets: Growth and Potential Risks

The recent surge in Jupiter’s value, with a substantial one-month gain of 137.59% and an even more impressive six-month increase of 3902%, showcases a sharp upward trajectory for the asset. Currently sitting at $1.20, there’s potential for growth if the momentum continues.

The asset could test the $0.81 and $0.68 resistance levels. However, with such exponential growth, there’s always a possibility of sharp corrections, and the asset might find support at $0.42 and $0.30 if a downturn occurs. Market participants should watch for fluctuations closely as they indicate the asset’s ability to maintain its current path.

When examining Jupiter’s position over longer periods, the massive all-time appreciation lacks specific figures but suggests a history of significant value increases. Given the $1.21 Simple Moving Average over 10 days, the asset shows stability around its current price level. While the historical performance seems promising, potential investors should consider that past results are not always indicative of future performance. The asset’s ability to sustain its value in the face of unforeseen market dynamics warrants caution, even though the current trend points towards a continued upward swing in its valuation.

MATIC Price Fluctuates: Tests of Patience vs. Resilience

MATIC’s movement shows it losing 3.91% over the past month, testing investors’ patience. Yet, the six-month surge of 88.68% suggests resilience. With the current price at $0.98, it’s hovering below the 10-day average of $1.07. Pushing past the nearest resistance at $1.13 could signal growing confidence, possibly propelling it towards $1.27. If this momentum sustains, the climb back to its all-time high of $3 seems plausible, hinging on its ability to maintain buyer interest and tech advancements.

Conversely, the short-term dip raises caution, as further drops could send prices to support at $0.82 or even $0.63, urging strategic considerations. Despite its impressive half-year run, investors should watch for potential downturns, which could challenge Polygon’s recovery. Still, its stable 100-day average at $0.92 provides some hope, indicating a possibly solid foundation. In the long run, staying agile and responsive to market shifts will be key for MATIC’s sustained growth.

Avalanche Growth: 41% Monthly, 511% in Six Months

Avalanche has shown strong growth over a month, jumping by 41.33%. And if we look back six months, it’s an even more impressive increase at 510.94%. With the current price at $54.47, just above the nearest resistance of $46.32, it seems to have the momentum. The all-time high was $151.2230275.

This could mean that Avalanche has potential for growth in the future, but remember, markets can turn. The current support levels at $33.98 and $26.97 need to be watched closely. If the price slips and falls past these, it could lead to a drop-off in confidence among holders.

查看平均線,10 天簡單移動平均線告訴我們以 55.86 美元賣出,暗示價格有點高。

另一方面,100 日均線 40.45 美元表明買入——這表明從更廣泛的角度來看,價格處於良好區域。

RSI、MACD 和隨機 RSI 的建議是混合的,顯示目前市場處於平衡狀態。



Avalanche 有一些東西引起了投資者的注意。


總而言之,雖然 Jupiter 和 MATIC 等其他代幣呈現出強勁的歷史收益,而 Avalanche 則反映了強勁的短期表現,但它們都在一個具有固有波動的動態市場中航行。

在這種競爭環境中,BlastUP 成為一款脫穎而出的產品,以其在繁榮的 Blast 生態系統中的獨特地位而脫穎而出。

BlastUP 發射台的概念與其整合到更大的結構中提供的不僅僅是一個短暫的機會;


早期採用者和投資者可能會發現 BlastUP 目前的預售階段特別有吸引力,不僅因為擬議的折扣,而且因為承諾充分利用這個金融科技創新者即將實現的成長潛力。

這個山寨幣只需一根蠟燭就可以印製 200% 的貼文!

首先出現在 Crypto News Land 上。


