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美國SEC訴Do Kwon和Terraform案的審判將於3月25日進行;





Jupiter:JUP DAO下週將注資1,000萬USDC和1億JUP,加速Jupiverse成長;



美SEC訴Do Kwon和Terraform案的審判將延至3月25日

Odaily星球日報消息最新法庭文件顯示,由於預計 Terraform Labs 前領袖 Do Kwon 可能會從黑山引渡到美國,美國 SEC 訴 Terraform Labs 和 Do Kwon 案的審判將推遲至今晚 3 月 25 日 9 日: 30 。

消息稱,美國 SEC 同意推遲 Do Kwon 審判日期,但反對將其案件與 Terraform 案件分開上訴。 SEC 表示:「進行兩次判決將不必要地要求證人,包括 SEC 的報告和財力有限的散戶投資者,在不同的審判中就相同的事實作兩個證詞。”


Odaily星球日報訊 World App Support 在 X 平台發文表示,為確保以太坊大幅升級期間的程序穩定性,Worldcoin 當期 Grant(津貼)延後幾週,下一期 Grant 平台 3 月 25 日開始,此後恢復每星期一次的定期撥款,本次延後不影響用戶的可申領縣。根據X平台用戶thiccy表示,此次延期釋放量為1.5億美元。


Odaily星球日報訊BakerySwap在X平台表示,PUMP代幣分配將於UTC時間3月25日10點(北京時間下午6點)完成,之後將於UTC時間3月25日11點(北京時間下午7點) BakerySwap已表示Twitter Blue用戶的空投將在今日結束,雙方參與PUMP預售的有效BNB、BAKE、CAKE已完成退款。


根據 Odaily 星球日報報道官方消息,Sui 生態借貸協議 Scallop 宣布推出 SCA 借貸激勵項目 SCA 借貸激勵,來自 Scallop 借貸的用戶,通過參與 SCA 質押並持有 veSCA,除了獲得當前 SUI 反饋獲得SCA獎勵。

預計,SCA 借貸激勵將於 3 月 25 日啟動,第一周獎勵為 2.8 萬枚 SCA,後續每週獎勵將動態調整。按照 Scallop 披露訊息,只有 veSCA 持有者獲得資格獲得額外 SCA 獎勵。



Odaily星球日報訊據官方消息,Circle跨鏈傳輸協定 CCTP 將於 3 月 26 日上線 Solana 主網。Circle 表示,目前已添加了一個新的預鑄造地址,使得 CCTP 能夠在 Solana 上鑄造 USDC。






Odaily星球日報訊 NFT 借貸協議 Arcade 於 X 平台表示,關於激活 ARCD 區塊鏈的治理流程進入 Snapshot 鏈下投票,該提案除了激活可轉移性之外,該提案還涵蓋了 ARCD 質押新激勵計劃、多鏈擴展等內容。根據快照頁面顯示,目前贊成率為100%,本次投票將於3月27日結束,之後將進行上鍊投票和發布階段。


Odaily星球日報訊根據官方消息,由MetalistGame發行的60秒快節奏卡牌遊戲Cards Ahoy將於3月27日正式公測。



SBF 的判決於 3 月 28 日進行,美國司法部已提交受害者影響陳述書

Odaily星球日報訊 美國司法部週一提交了來自 FTX 權債人的份額受害者影響陳述書。

這些信件展示了FTX 2022年倒閉給其債權人帶來的財務不安全感、情緒負擔以及對金融系統的不信任感。用戶分享了他們在FTX存儲資金的經歷及FTX破產對自己生活的影響,一些人因健康問題暫時停止,嚴重依賴FTX 平台的資金。

此外,一些受害者表達了對賠償計畫的不滿,指出他們將按照 2022 年 11 月的資產價值而非當前加密貨幣價格獲得 100% 的賠償。

SBF 的辯護團隊上個月提交了一定量的刑罰,敦促地方法官劉易斯·卡普蘭(Lewis Kaplan)從輕至今不超過6.5 年的刑期。辯方還提交了多封來自SBF 的父母和兄弟、有效利他主義哲學的追隨者、前FTX員工和其他幾位人士的推薦信。


OKX擬於3月28日關閉USDC_TRC 20充提幣服務

Odaily星球日報訊 根據官方公告,根據 Circle 最新公告,OKX 將停止支援 TRON 鏈上的 USDC 充填操作,USDC_TRC 20 充提幣關閉時間為 3 月 28 日上午 11:00 (UTC+8)。

Bitcoin Layer 2 network TaprootChain will be officially launched on the mainnet on March 28

Odaily Planet Daily reported that the Bitcoin Layer 2 network TaprootChain will be officially launched on the main network on March 28, and then enable cross-chain functions on March 29, and launch a points activity on March 30.

SOMESING: Snapshot of SSX to SSG exchange will be taken on March 28

Odaily Planet Daily According to official news, in order to mitigate the impact of the SSX hacking incident on January 27, the SOMESING team will issue a new token "SSG (SomeSinG)" through a new contract to protect user assets, and will replace existing SSX tokens Holders perform token swap migration.

The token swap snapshot is scheduled to be conducted at 06:00 UTC on March 28. To ensure a smooth token swap and migration process, the SOMESING team will suspend all existing SSX token contracts at 06:00 UTC on March 27 (24 hours before the snapshot). After the contract is suspended, all token transfer operations (including transferring existing SSX to personal wallets and withdrawing tokens from exchanges) will be suspended.

Due to the possibility of technical errors, the SOMESING team urges all SSX holders not to attempt to transfer existing SSX tokens after the contract suspension time and until the Foundation announces the completion of the migration process. After the snapshot, existing SSX tokens will be exchanged for newly issued SSG tokens, and only the new SSG tokens will be eligible for transfer after the migration process is completed.

March 29th

24.16 million OP are expected to be unlocked on March 29, accounting for 2.4% of the circulating supply.

Odaily Planet Daily News Token Unlock data shows that Optimism will unlock 24.16 million OP (approximately $82.62 million) at 12:00 noon on March 29, accounting for 2.4% of the circulating supply.

Radiant Capital: STIP short investment qualification period will end on March 29

Odaily Planet Daily News Multi-chain lending protocol Radiant Capital issued a document on the X platform stating that the qualifying period for short investment will end before March 29, 2024. In a related snapshot proposal, the Arbitrum DAO voted to extend the STIP incentive program.

March 30th

Scroll: The mint phase of Scroll Origins will end on March 30

Odaily Planet Daily News Scroll posted on the X platform that the team launched Scroll Origins in 2023 to commemorate the early ecological builder community. Currently, 850,000 NFTs have been mint, and the mint phase will end at the end of this month, that is, at 7:59 on March 30.

March 31st

Starbucks will end its beta version of the Starbucks Odyssey program on March 31

Odaily Planet Daily News Starbucks announced that its Web3 customer loyalty program Starbucks Odyssey, which is in beta, will be terminated on March 31 to "prepare for the next step while we continue to develop the program." (TechCrunch)

According to news in September 2022, Starbucks officially launched the Web3 customer loyalty program Starbucks Odyssey. The project will be deployed on and supported by the Polygon network. The program combines the Starbucks Rewards loyalty program with an NFT platform, allowing its customers to earn and purchase digital assets to unlock exclusive experiences and rewards, such as perks or free drinks. With Odyssey, Starbucks is trying to give loyal customers a wider range of rewards while also building community.

Bitcoin L2 public chain Ligo will be launched on the mainnet on March 31

Odaily Planet Daily News According to official news, the Bitcoin L2 public chain Ligo issued a statement stating that after comprehensive internal testing and public community testing, the mainnet launch date is set to be March 31, 2024. The pledged assets are being screened, with Ligo taking priority, and focusing on other Layer 1 assets, BRC 20 inscription tokens, NFTs and cross-chain assets, etc.

Additionally, Ligo has a long-term R&D partnership with the Blockchain Innovation Lab at the School of Computing at the National University of Singapore.

Kamino: First quarter points will be snapshotted on March 31

Odaily Planet Daily News Kamino posted on the X platform that the points for the first quarter will be snapshotted on March 31 and calculated in the KMNO token creation distribution in April. Kamino said that the creation of KMNO is an important step in establishing the decentralized governance of Kamino Finance. The use cases of KMNO include controlling the protocol incentive plan and income distribution, conducting protocol operations and risk management, etc.

Others (specific time to be determined)

Jupiter: JUP DAO will inject 10 million USDC and 100 million JUP next week to accelerate the growth of Jupiverse

Odaily Planet Daily News Jupiter announced that next week JUP DAO will usher in an important event: launching a proposal to fund the core working group and confirming how the working group operates. JUP DAO will be officially funded with 10 million USDC (for working capital) and 100 million JUP. Funds will be transferred to a separate DAO wallet. The 10 million USDC comes from revenue, and the 100 million JUP comes from community distribution. For public goods funding and Jupiverse growth. Start discussing a grant program that will allow the community to request funding to facilitate Jupiverse growth and public good funding.

The GM white paper will be released next week and pre-trading will begin on the Whales Market

Odaily Planet Daily reported that Whales Market founder Dexter said on the X platform that GM’s white paper will be released next week, and Whales Market will also open GM’s pre-market next week.

According to previous news, the AI ​​project gm.ai launched by Whales Market founder dexter has opened pre-sale result query on the Dune platform. Users can now check whether the pre-sale commitment is successful or whether a refund has been issued.

Zeus Network may issue tokens at the end of March

Odaily Planet Daily News In the first round of voting on Jupiter LFG Launchpad, Zeus Network’s proposal has received more than 50% of the support votes.

In addition, Zeus Network announced a list of angel investors, including Solana co-founder Anatoly Yakovenko, Mechanism Capital founder Andrew Kang, and Stacks co-founder Muneeb Ali.

Justin Wang, founder and CEO of Zeus Network, said: "Zeus Network's good team culture allows us to implement unique technologies in the world. Through Zeus Network, we have locked in more than one trillion US dollars worth of Bitcoin circulating in the market and achieved unprecedented flows. Cross-chain, create more use cases and benefits. Solana and Bitcoin will be our first step, and will be expanded to more blockchains in the future."

Justin also revealed that the Zeus Network token will be released at the end of March.​

Space Nation will launch OIK token airdrop at the end of March

Odaily Planet Daily News According to official news, the blockchain game Space Nation will launch an airdrop of OIK tokens during the Close Beta period at the end of March, with a total of more than 10 million tokens, accounting for more than 1% of the total token supply. This OIK will be distributed during Close Beta and Logistikos events.​

Bitcoin Cats: 1 Catchain Mainnet scheduled to launch at the end of March

Odaily星球日報 Bitcoin Cats 在 X 平台發文表示,1 Cat Chain 早鳥獎勵計劃現已啟動,同時,1 Catchain 主網計劃於 3 月底推出。


