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Understanding the Logic of Making Money in the Cur

Core: In the currency circle, you need to understand the logic of making money!

Bitcoin has been the absolute core in these bull and bear cycles, and it has allowed many people to earn wealth amidst the liquidity premium (emotional bubbles) and spillover (capital outflows).

Most people want to make money through Bitcoin’s capital spillover!

1. Ethereum, including many copycats, are all using the capital effect of Bitcoin to develop! You can see from the disk that the blood-sucking effect of the pie coming and going is just like this!

2. Project parties and retail investors, we all know that those who can be exchanges or project parties have accumulated resources and backgrounds in the past, so their ability to make money in the currency circle is higher, but they cannot bear risks and pressures. The level is also relatively high, and they also know that it is difficult to accumulate considerable status and wealth in the industry by simply investing and trading on their own, so they must be a carrier of big pie funds and allow retail investors to participate in rounds of parabolas, in order to achieve the ultimate goal. The goal!

Many people working on projects are using the money earned from the projects to hoard Bitcoin or Ethereum. This must be something everyone knows!

Although the retail investors who want to make money from copycats have the most freedom, it is actually the most difficult to make money. Retail investors are at the bottom of the capital spillover. If it is a game of who can run faster, the exchange - the project party - the retail investors, the retail investors are the last. Heard the starting gunshot! #热门话题 $BTC $ETH

Understanding the Logic of Making Money in the Cur


