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Web3 Carnival Summit: Token2029 Roadshow & Sickle

At present, the bulls and the bears are evenly matched. Let’s see which side gathers strength to break the seeming silence before the halving. April will usher in the climax of web3. Hong Kong’s Carnival Summit next month, Dubai’s token2029 blockchain roadshow Sickle Show Conference on 4.18, and various events of various sizes are coming to an end. I wonder if I can break the curse of always falling at every meeting.

I am still very confident in breaking through the previous high. After all, the human greed of Wall Street remains unchanged, no matter which financial derivatives field it is in. BlackRock has made so many chips, and some Western countries' sovereign funds have also entered the market in a low-key manner. This has become a capital game for the brave. Retail investors have less and less say, so they can only go with the flow. The water is quite deep. Leeks fighting alone in the future will only die. It's just time. Don’t think that you are lucky and it’s fun to earn money from contracts. The main force wants you to liquidate your position in a matter of minutes. The pigs are fattened and then slaughtered. The pie will be halved next month, which may be the harvest season for the dog farm.


