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比特幣減半前值得投資的 5 種加密貨幣,可望帶來 10 倍收益

比特幣減半前值得投資的 5 種加密貨幣,可望帶來 10 倍收益

即將到來的 2024 年比特幣減半預計將引發下一次牛市,從而使對頂級山寨幣的投資可能獲得回報。幾天后,比特幣將迎來第四次減半。它每四年發生一次,並將其增長減半。



隋 (隋)

Sui 憑藉其創造性的金融科技聯盟和堅定不移的業績,迅速成為加密貨幣市場的重要組成部分。其區塊鏈解決方案具有快速、有效且廣泛的特點。

在公司技術進步和精明的合作夥伴關係的推動下,對 Sui 未來價格走勢的預期傳達出樂觀情緒,預測暗示近期和長期內都會出現大幅增長。該計劃致力於擴大其生態系統並促進採用。

繼 3 月 28 日達到 2.18 美元的歷史最高點後,有跡象表明 $SUI 的價格可能會維持看漲勢頭。

Python 網路 (PYTH)

Pyth Network 推出了跨 50 多個區塊鏈的備受期待的 W/USD 和 USDB 價格信息,標誌著一個重要的里程碑。此次發布鞏固了 Pyth Network 作為去中心化金融 (DeFi) 生態系統即時、可靠資料來源主要提供者的地位。

目前,$PYTH 的交易價格為 0.887 美元,過去一週其價值小幅下跌 1.74%。然而,從過去一個月的更廣泛的角度來看,該代幣大幅上漲了 38%。由於 Pyth Network 的 14 天 RSI 為 52.77,$PYTH 目前處於中性位置。

令人鼓舞的是,六個月的上升趨勢顯示人們對該網路的興趣日益濃厚。透過分析樞軸水平,Pyth Network 發現支撐位為 0.821 美元,最強支撐位為 0.730 美元,而阻力位為 0.911 美元和 1.001 美元。

狗狗幣20 (DOGE20)

狗狗幣的新的和改進的迭代以狗狗幣 20 的形式出現,與其前身不同,並且兩者之間沒有任何關聯。雖然受到最初的狗狗幣的啟發,狗狗幣 20 開始透過提供基於區塊鏈的功能來開拓自己的利基市場。

值得注意的是,Dogecoin20 引入了質押協議,使代幣持有者能夠被動地獲得獎勵。利用以太坊智能合約簡化了 DOGE 買家的投資流程,消除了與錢包設定和代幣託管相關的複雜性,從而增強了用戶的可訪問性。

Dogecoin20 has caught the interest of TodayTrader, a cryptocurrency YouTuber, who highlighted the project in a recent video, recommending it as the top meme coin to buy now.

DOGECOIN20 – Best Meme Coin to Buy Now – Launches April 20th on DOGE DAY!!! (1000X POTENTIAL) https://t.co/1Y0ypF5M1I

— Mark Kelly (@TodayTraderMark) April 4, 2024

With its Stake-to-Earn mechanism, Dogecoin20 stakers presently enjoy a 60% APY, subject to reduction with increased token staking. Presently, a remarkable 46.7 billion $DOGE20 tokens have been allocated to the staking pool, indicating significant market interest in earning additional tokens.

The Dogecoin20 presale has surpassed expectations, securing over $10 million from investors ahead of its Uniswap listing. In a limited post-presale phase, Dogecoin20’s team offers $DOGE20 tokens at a discounted rate of $0.00022 until April 20 – recognized as ‘Doge Day’ in cryptocurrency circles.

On this significant date, $DOGE20 investors can claim their tokens, marking the commencement of the first exchange listing. To take part in the $DOGE20 token presale visit doge20.io.

The Emerald Company (EMRLD)

The Emerald Company emerges as a captivating investment opportunity within the cryptocurrency market, showcasing distinctive offerings in the domain of fractional ownership of real-world assets.

By harnessing patented nanotech tracking technology, advanced artificial intelligence, and blockchain protocols, Emerald sets out to transform the luxury marketplace, with a specific emphasis on the emerald industry.

Investors in the $EMRLD token stand to gain from The Emerald Company’s successful mining endeavors and jewelry sales through a revenue-sharing arrangement. This solid model, tailored to optimize returns, offers substantial passive income for all token holders, enabling earnings as they retain their tokens.

比特幣減半前值得投資的 5 種加密貨幣,可望帶來 10 倍收益

Operating in Colombia, the world’s leading emerald mining country, The Emerald Company enjoys access to some of the most valuable and profitable emerald stones globally, coupled with extensive experience in the industry.

All holders stand to profit from the company’s operations and expertise. Currently priced at $0.0304, $EMRLD has experienced a slight decrease of 2.57% in the past 24 hours.

Watch the video above for thorough reviews of these crypto projects and subscribe to his YouTube channel. Jacob Crypto Bury also manages a Discord channel with 21,000 members, offering users trading tips and insights into upcoming crypto presales.

Bitcoin (BTC)

Bitcoin recently achieved a new all-time high surpassing $73,500, only to swiftly retrace to the $61,000 range. As of the current writing, $BTC is valued at $68,723.35, marking a 4.17% increase over the past 24 hours.

This surge in price was fueled by optimistic signals from the US Federal Reserve hinting at a potential easing of interest rates. Analysts in the market are closely monitoring Bitcoin’s trajectory, paying close attention to technical indicators.

10 日簡單移動平均線 (SMA) 為 65,835 美元,100 日簡單移動平均線為 52,836 美元。如果看漲的投資者抓住這些水準作為買入機會,可能會推動比特幣的價格進一步上漲。

隨著購買壓力的增加,比特幣可能會瞄準 73,250 美元大關,這是上一個峰值 73,750 美元之前的下一個重要阻力位。突破這一高峰將在 74,000 美元至 75,000 美元範圍內建立更強勁的看漲區域。


  • 比特幣價格預測:比特幣一週暴跌 5%,專家表示 ICO 可能會在比特幣減半後爆炸

  • 今年四月值得關注的 5 種狗幣——總督日和比特幣減半會推高它們的價格嗎?

  • 比特幣減半前的 5 個必備加密貨幣 – $ADA、$MINA、$DOGE20、$MATIC、$BSV

  • 在即將到來的比特幣減半期間,值得關注的頂級山寨幣的潛在上漲


