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【鏈得早報】Tether 2023年淨利62億美元,員工僅100人

【鏈得早報】Tether 2023年淨利62億美元,員工僅100人


ChainDD 4 月 9 日的行情數據顯示,DD 指數與 CoinMarketCap 綜合報價為:





DOGE 交易價格為 0.20154 美元,24 小時內上漲約 2.70%。



Metis宣布將在約7天內在區塊16,500,000處啟動硬分叉,以完成去中心化排序器升級的第二階段。 Metis 先前已在排序器池中添加了多個節點,並在第一階段引入了排序器輪換,大大提高了網路的抗審查能力和活躍度。

此次升級的第二階段將引入單一區塊中的多個交易、交易池和排序器獎勵等功能。因此,Metis 將成為第一個實現分類機去中心化的以太坊第 2 層擴展解決方案。

Maker 已投票通過向 USDe 和 sUSDe 分配 6 億 DAI 的提案並已實施

根據官方消息,MakerDAO 已投票通過一系列執行提案並已執行,其中包括「Spark MetaMorpho Vault DDM 最大債務上限」提案。

根據提案,Spark MetaMorpho Vault DDM 的最大債務限額將提高至 10 億 DAI,初始分配為 6 億 DAI。其中一項提案建議將最多 6 億 DAI 分配給 USDe 及其質押版本 sUSDe 池(優先分配給 USDe 池)。

隨後,SparkX平台發布聲明稱,繼MakerDAO債務上限提高至10億DAI後,Spark已成功為Morpho Blue上的USDe/DAI和sUSDe/DAI市場額外分配1億DAI。根據 BA Labs 的風險評估,預計 Spark 將根據其建議將分配的最大金額限制為 6 億 DAI。因此,Spark建議再分配1億個DAI。





U.S. SEC delays decision on Bitwise and Grayscale Bitcoin spot ETF options trading applications

The U.S. SEC has postponed its decision on whether to allow the New York Stock Exchange to offer options trading on spot Bitcoin ETFs, which will affect options trading on the Bitwise Bitcoin ETF (BITB), Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC), and other trusts holding Bitcoin listed on the New York Stock Exchange.

The SEC said it believes it is necessary to specify a longer deadline to act on the proposed rule change to allow sufficient time to consider the proposed rule change. The SEC's next deadline for the NYSE's proposed rule change is May 29, when it will need to make a decision to approve, reject or postpone it.

Tether's net profit in 2023 is $6.2 billion, with only 100 employees

Bitwise President Teddy Fusaro posted on the X platform that the data provided by Maelstrom showed that the net profit of stablecoin issuer Tether in 2023 was about $6.2 billion, equivalent to 78% of Goldman Sachs ($7.9 billion) and 72% of Morgan Stanley ($8.5 billion). However, Tether has about 100 employees, while Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley have 49,000 and 82,000 employees respectively.

Earlier in January, Tether officially released a certification report for the fourth quarter of 2023 issued by the independent auditing firm BDO. The data showed that its net profit in the fourth quarter hit a record high of US$2.85 billion, of which operating net profit was approximately US$1 billion (mainly from US Treasury interest), and the rest mainly came from the appreciation of gold and Bitcoin reserves. Excess reserves hit a record high, increasing by US$2.2 billion to a total of US$5.4 billion, and the remaining US$640 million was invested in various strategic projects (such as mining, artificial intelligence infrastructure, P2P telecommunications, etc.). In addition, Tether's full-year net profit for 2023 was US$6.2 billion, of which approximately US$4 billion came from net operating profits generated by US Treasury bonds, reverse repurchases and money market funds, and the rest came from the performance of other asset classes.

FTX/Alameda has deposited 21,650 ETH into Coinbase since February

According to Spot On Chain monitoring, Alameda wallet 0xf02 deposited 4,000 ETH (about 14.75 million US dollars) to Coinbase 6 hours ago, with an average price of 3,688 US dollars. This is the largest single ETH deposit for FTX and Alameda since the market rebound in February.

Since February 1, 2024, FTX/Alameda has deposited 21,650 ETH (approximately $72.4 million) into Coinbase at an average price of $3,343.

Helius CEO: Solana network issues are not design flaws, fix expected to be released on April 15

Mert Mumtaz, CEO of Solana ecosystem development platform Helius, posted on the X platform that Solana’s current problems (network instability) are not due to protocol design flaws, but rather to bugs in specific implementations.

Mert Mumtaz explained that the design of the protocol is like the overall design of a car, while the specific implementation is similar to different brands of car models. If there is a problem with a certain brand model, it does not mean that all cars have design flaws. Solana uses the QUIC network protocol, but the currently used QUIC implementation version has some defects and bugs. So Solana only needs to replace the problematic "parts" without changing the entire "model".

He revealed that the implementation being developed by Firedancer does not have the same problem. The fix is ​​expected to be launched on April 15. If other problems are found during testing, the launch time may be delayed. In addition to technical issues, he believes that Solana also needs to consider long-term economic sustainability factors. After fixing the bug, the local fee market and economic incentives can be planned more clearly.



