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  • Binance Web3 錢包

    引入了新的鏈,以及增強的交換選項,包括存取 29 個 DEX 和 15 個橋接器。

  • 該錢包現在還擁有 19 個新整合的 dApp,提供對 DeFi、遊戲等領域一系列服務的擴展存取。

  • 透過改進的主頁和交換頁面,享受精緻和簡化的 UI 體驗。


隨著我們繼續探索加密貨幣區塊鏈不斷發展的格局,我們很高興宣布Web3 錢包的一系列新功能和更新,旨在擴大您對去中心化網絡的訪問,並通過改進的功能豐富您的體驗。


Binance Web3 錢包


作為去中心化金融(DeFi)生態系統中的重要工具,錢包是您通往 Web3 世界的安全且用戶友好的門戶。

它旨在無縫管理數位資產,使您能夠與各種去中心化應用程式交互,參與各種區塊鏈網路的代幣交換,並探索不斷擴大的 DeFi 領域。


1. 更方便訪問 DEX 和橋樑

我們很高興地宣布幣安 Web3 錢包的交換功能進行了重大更新,該功能允許用戶直接在錢包介面中將一種加密貨幣兌換為另一種加密貨幣。



由於整合了 Li.Fi(一種具有智慧路由功能的聚合協定),該錢包的擴展產品現在包括令人印象深刻的 29 個 DEX 和 15 個橋接器。


這種對整合各種 DEX 和橋的關注確保我們的用戶能夠存取更全面、高效和靈活的 Web3 環境。


2. 擴大您的選擇:19 個新 dApp


19 個新的去中心化應用程式 (dApp)

整合到 Web3 錢包中。

These dApps cover various functionalities and services —from DeFi protocols and exchanges to gaming platforms and social networks — ensuring that our users have access to the most innovative and useful tools in the Web3 space.

The integrated dApps are: 1inch, Alpaca, BinaryX, BiSwap, Compound, Convex, Curve, CyberConnect, Dodo, Frax Finance, Gala Games, GMX, Maker, Maverick, QuickSwap, Radiant Capital, Sushi, WooFi, and Yearn Finance.

Users can now easily interact with these newly integrated dApps directly through the Binance Web3 Wallet. To explore these additions, simply open the Binance App and navigate to [Wallets] > [Web3] > [Discover] > [Trending DApps].


3. New Chain Support: opBNB, Linea, and Other Integrations

Binance Web3 Wallet has recently expanded its chain support, further enhancing the diversity and depth of our users’ Web3 experience. Following the successful integration of major networks such as Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Dogecoin, and Sei, we are excited to announce that support for opBNB and Linea is now also live.

opBNB: A high-performance Layer-2 within the BNB ecosystem, opBNB optimizes for stable and low-cost gas fees with a block size of 100M, catering to uses from gaming to collectibles.

Linea: Developed by Consensys, Linea is a zkEVM rollup that seeks to enhance Ethereum’s scalability with faster throughput and significantly lower transaction costs.

These latest integrations demonstrate Binance’s ongoing dedication to broadening our users’ access to the decentralized web. By continually adding support for new chains, we’re enabling our users to engage with an increasingly diverse Web3 world.

To view all supported networks in Binance Web3 Wallet, open the Binance App and tap on [Wallets] > [Web3] > [Networks].

4. Revamped UI for Home and Swap Pages

The Web3 Wallet’s Home and Swap pages have been revamped for a smoother experience.

We've designed a more intuitive and user-friendly interface, making your interactions straightforward and efficient, especially when executing swaps.

This update not only improves current usability, but also paves the way for future innovations, ensuring the Binance Web3 Wallet remains at the cutting edge.


Final Thoughts

At Binance, we’re continually striving to improve and expand our services to meet your evolving needs. These updates to the Web3 Wallet are a testament to our commitment to innovation. We’re excited for you to explore these new features and continue your Web3 journey. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue with our mission to expand the freedom of money and bring the world of Web3 to your fingertips.

Further Reading

  • Introducing Binance Web3 Wallet

  • Binance's Innovative MPC Wallet

  • Why Do I Need to Backup My Binance Web3 Wallet and How to Do It?


Binance Web3 錢包是可選產品。


幣安不對您存取或使用第三方應用程式(包括幣安 Web3 錢包中嵌入的功能)負責,也不對您使用此類第三方應用程式(包括但不限於您進行的任何交易)承擔任何責任。爭議。


Binance Web3 錢包使用條款



