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US CPI Data Impact and Market Analysis

US CPI inflation rebounds, is a big one coming?

Fitch downgraded our rating just after Yellen left. The significance is self-evident, and it will only become more and more intense in the future. Most of the time, the macro economy has no impact on our industry, or it is silent, but once it has an impact, it is almost always a big deal.

For example, the September 4th crash in 2017 and the March 12th crash in 2020 were caused by small changes in the macro economy. When this small change extended to our circle, it formed a huge collapse. It was always said that a speck of dust in the era is a mountain when it falls on ordinary people like us. The same is true for the currency circle. Once the impact of the macro economy on us appears, it is a black swan-level existence.

After the release of the CPI data last night, many people had the idea of ​​cutting their losses, and some brothers did chase the rise and fall. In summary, there are two reasons. The first is that the judgment of the market is not accurate enough, and the second is that they do not have a good position management strategy.

Regarding position management, I have given an example before. Those who are interested can take a look. As for the judgment of the market, everyone has their own views. My personal view is that in the first half of the year, that is, from April to June, the market may have a chance to break new highs. At that time, many cottages will have a doubling of the market, but after that, that is, from July to November, after the third quarter and before the end of the fourth quarter, basically the mainstream market will not have a big opportunity.

What is the logic?

That is the macroeconomic policy level we mentioned. Personally, I think that the Fed’s interest rate cut will not come early, and the earliest will be after the US presidential election. This is different from the market view.

In fact, the global financial logic has changed. In the past, interest rates were raised, and all major commodities and non-US currencies fell. What about this time?

The interest rate hike did cause other non-US currencies to plummet, but some commodities, such as gold and Bitcoin, soared, while crude oil and the like did not fluctuate too much.

If Buffett were to talk about the current financial phenomenon, he would definitely have to repeat what he said four years ago. He has lived for nearly 100 years and has never seen it.

So we, ordinary small retail investors, really need to be vigilant at all times and be more meticulous in operation.

In fact, for the future market, most people are optimistic that the big cake can break through 100,000 US dollars, or even reach 150,000 US dollars, but it is the middle section that feels difficult to control.

In fact, I personally think that if you are worried now, the most fundamental reason is that your own position is too large, far beyond your ability to bear. I believe that most people have this situation. They only bought a few hundred yuan of coins, but the yield is the highest among all the coins you bought.

Because you don’t pay attention to its rise and fall at all.

In the currency circle market, most of the time it is sideways and falling, and only a small part of the time is rising, so the right-side trading strategy I gave you before can allow you to hold the subsequent profits after the market determines the trend.

Jiaoliuqun+Wei: 2758624303 Later, with the development of the market, it gave everyone a strategy of profiting out of the principal and keeping the profit. The advantage of this is that your mentality can be calm, so in the end. You can get the full increase.

By the way, the pledge track has been very popular these days. For projects like ENA and JUP, if you plan to hold them for a long time and do not consider short-term price fluctuations, you can pledge them. For example, ENA’s previous pledge income was as high as 80%, and the currency price soared by 100%. Some brothers pledged 100,000 U assets, and it has become 300,000 U in less than half a month. The project party has now launched stable currency pledge, and various gameplay methods are emerging in an endless stream.

Very exciting. #比特币减半 #CPI数据 #大盘走势


