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打電話詢問功夫!減半前後最佳投資組合? ChatGPT推薦你必須買的“這6幣”


3 月份,當比特幣創下歷史新高 73,737 美元,然後跌至 61,733 美元時,我們詢問人工智能機器人對減半後的看法以及比特幣 ($BTC) 價格到年底會走多遠.

打電話詢問功夫!就不怕AI被比特幣幹掉嗎? ChatGPT:減半前仍會升至“這一點”

隨著減半臨近,市場情緒開始回升。除了投資比特幣之外,許多人也開始關注市場上的其他山寨幣,希望能提高投資組合的報酬率。在此背景下,我們決定向 ChatGPT -4 詢問關於比特幣減半以及如何形成最佳投資組合的想法。


「您是比特幣和加密資產領域的專家。比特幣近期已重回71,000美元,距離2024年4月20日區塊鏈獎勵減半僅一周左右。請在比特幣減半日期前閱讀,鑑於市場固有的波動性,創建一個1,000 美元的加密貨幣投資組合,優先考慮多元化和風險管理。”

GPT-4 到底說了什麼?讓我們繼續尋找。




其次,山寨幣之王以太幣($ETH)以 30%($300)位居第二。 ChatGPT-4 認為,儘管以太坊與競爭對手相比具有更高的Gas 費用,但以太坊在智能合約、網路升級和廣泛的dApp 生態系統領域的持續發展使其仍然在市場中發揮著舉足輕重的作用。

第三個幣種是幣安交易所(Binance)的代幣$BNB,排名第三,份額為10%(100美元)。 ChatGPT-4 指出,作為幣安交易所的原生代幣,$BNB 的交易實用性及其通縮回購計劃,以及正在進行的 Launchpool,使該代幣具有足夠的吸引力。

The fourth currency is Ethereum competitor Solana ($SOL), which receives the same 10% ($100) allocation as $BNB. ChatGPT-4 pointed out that Solana is known for its high transaction speed and low cost, and is decentralized. One of the top goals for optimizing application development, but downtime issues remain to be seen.​

The last two currencies are Chainlink ($LINK) and Polkadot ($DOT), each receiving a 5% ($50) allocation. Chainlink is a decentralized oracle network that enables smart contracts to securely access Off-chain data, APIs and payment systems, ChatGPT-4 notes, will only increase in demand as the DeFi and decentralized application (dApp) ecosystem continues to grow.​

Polkadot ($DOT) is a blockchain network composed of multiple chains, which allows blockchains to exchange messages with each other and perform transactions without the need for a trusted third party. ChatGPT-4 pointed out that this can quickly And the efficiency of secure cross-chain transmission between different blockchains is likely to become a mainstream trend in the future, just like the integration of the Internet.

It should be noted that the above content does not constitute investment advice. Even for the most complex artificial intelligence models, it is still unrealistic to predict whether the currency price will rise. How each project will develop in the future still requires investors to conduct research on many factors. , and adjust the position ratio in a timely manner.​

If you think ChatGPT-4’s prediction may be accurate, you might as well bookmark this article and come back after the halving in April to confirm the results!

[Disclaimer] There are risks in the market, so investment needs to be cautious. This article does not constitute investment advice, and users should consider whether any opinions, views or conclusions contained in this article are appropriate for their particular circumstances. Invest accordingly and do so at your own risk.​


