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比特幣序數於 2023 年突然出現,本質上是作為比特幣區塊鏈上的不可替代代幣(NFT)。

隨後關於序數的爭論在比特幣社群中造成了相當大的裂痕,自 2016 年比特幣區塊大小爭論以來,比特幣社群一直相對團結。

比特幣序號的支持者可能會考慮像比特幣現金(BCH)和比特幣SV(BSV)一樣對比特幣(BTC)進行硬分叉,而不是像華爾街大型公司準備發行比特幣ETF那樣冒著比特幣社群分裂成派系的風險。保持他們的 NFT 鏈上夢想,而不用擔心他們的收藏品被比特幣核心開發者取消的風險。







比特幣現金和比特幣 SV 社群都認為,中本聰認為增加區塊大小是實現可擴展性的唯一方法。

2023-2024 年比特幣序數辯論




PSA:「Inscriptions」正在利用 #Bitcoin Core 中的漏洞向區塊鏈發送垃圾郵件。

自 2013 年以來,Bitcoin Core 允許用戶對他們中繼或挖掘的交易中的額外資料大小設定限制(「-資料載體大小」)。


— Luke Dashjr (@LukeDashjr) 2023 年 12 月 6 日


其中包括隔離見證 (SegWit) 升級以及 Taproot 升級中的比特幣交易格式變更。







— 馬克斯‧凱澤 (@maxkeiser) 2023 年 12 月 15 日

近幾個月來,爭論已經達到白熱化程度,雙方都越來越深入地探討,包括 Max Keizer 和開發者 Luke Leighton 在內的比特幣支持者帶頭對 Ordinals 發起指控。

Bitcoin Core v27 will make future Ordinals impossible on the Bitcoin blockchain

Bitcoin core developers are planning to make Ordinals impossible to add to transactions on the Bitcoin blockchain with Bitcoin Core v27, thus repairing the perceived bug. Pre-existing Ordinals would remain as the pending change in Bitcoin Core v27 only stops new Ordinals from being minted. That bitcoin v27 is in the works demonstrates that developers and nodes, not so much Ordinals buyers and miners, have ultimate say as to what Bitcoin’s protocol looks like.

Related: Ordinals have brought digital spam to Bitcoin

Rather than fight an uphill battle against a Bitcoin community on the verge of eliminating future Ordinals at the protocol level, the Bitcoin Ordinal camp could follow the examples set by Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin SV by forking and building a Bitcoin Ordinals chain without the threat of core developers nullifying their hard work.

There is a reason, after all, both Bitcoin Cash and BitcoinSV opted for a hard fork. The Bitcoin community united against anything that resembled a wholesale change at the protocol level. The current Bitcoin regime seems intent on undoing Bitcoin Ordinals.

Bitcoin Ordinals could proliferate on their own chain

Bitcoin is becoming increasingly divided at this critical juncture in its history. The infighting makes the incumbent Bitcoin community look immature and risks Bitcoin losing its core principles of decentralization and financial sovereignty as institutional money comes pouring in on a new scale.

Now is the time for the Bitcoin community to be united. Now is the time for another hard fork to preserve Bitcoin as the world’s digital gold and/or electronic cash. A Bitcoin Ordinals chain is more likely to succeed than an all-out fight akin to the debate over block size. Moreover, Bitcoin miners are likely to favor an Ordinals chain after experiencing the heightened transaction fees that came in 2023 as Ordinals proliferated.

Kadan Stadelmann is a blockchain developer and the Komodo Platform’s chief technology officer. He graduated from the University of Vienna in 2011 with a degree in information technology before attending the Berlin Institute of Technology for technical informatics and scientific computing. He joined the Komodo team in 2016.å

This article is for general information purposes and is not intended to be and should not be taken as legal or investment advice. The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed here are the author’s alone and do not necessarily reflect or represent the views and opinions of Cointelegraph.


