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今天加密貨幣領域發生了什麼:SEC 的 ETF 推文是否處於草案階段?分析師這麼認為!

今天加密貨幣領域發生了什麼:SEC 的 ETF 推文是否處於草案階段?分析師這麼認為!

今天加密貨幣領域發生了什麼:SEC 的 ETF 推文是否處於草案階段?


昨天,隨著 SEC 批准現貨比特幣 ETF 申請的最後期限臨近,加密世界屏住了呼吸。

當 SEC 的官方 X 帳戶突然發推文「BTC ETF 獲得批准!」時,價格飆升至 48,000 美元。





  • SEC 帳號被駭,BTC 坐雲霄飛車

  • 預期 ETF 核准的影響

  • 離職的 Evmos 聯合創辦人返還 760 萬美元‍️

  • AI幣正在崛起

  • 新加坡張開雙臂歡迎加密貨幣

現在讓我們更深入地探討每個標題——從 SEC 的錯誤開始,導致比特幣陷入瘋狂…

SEC 的錯誤

昨天,當 SEC 的官方 X 帳號突然投下一枚禁忌炸彈時,一場混亂海嘯席捲了加密推特:

“BTC ETF 核准!”


Gensler 本人跳到網路上否認 ETF 的任何突破,同時提出了「未經授權的存取」的問題。



彭博社的知名分析師 Eric Balchunas 指出,所使用的語言本質上非常“SEC 風格”,表明這很可能是一份內部草案。

因此,在他看來,有人可能只是搞砸了日曆安排,導致 hopium 過早 24 小時到達網路。


隨著買單湧入,比特幣飆升至 4.8 萬美元。但一旦澄清消除了這種氛圍,比特幣就迅速回落至 4.5 萬美元。




今天加密貨幣領域發生了什麼:SEC 的 ETF 推文是否處於草案階段?分析師這麼認為!

預期 ETF 核准的影響

K33 Research 表示,一旦 SEC 支持比特幣現貨 ETF,上週的劇烈去槓桿化可能已經為順利航行掃清了道路。

1 月 2 日至 6 日期間,永續資金轉為中性,未平倉合約減少了 12%。

這表明市場有更堅實的基礎來消化任何現貨 ETF 裁決,而無需進行級聯清算。

此外,根據 CME 60 億美元的未平倉合約數據,機構樂觀情緒持續接近歷史高點。





Cascading liquidations refer to a scenario in crypto trading when a series of forced liquidations of leveraged positions occur successively, triggering further liquidations. This happens when prices experience significant downside volatility.

As prices rapidly decline, leveraged long positions start becoming underwater, meaning the collateral deposited is no longer sufficient to meet the maintenance margin requirements on exchanges. This prompts exchanges to forcefully close out these positions to recoup funds.

These forced liquidations automatically trigger market sell orders that push prices even lower.

As prices continue to drop from these liquidations, more and more long positions are knocked out due to insufficient collateral, creating a cascading effect of successive liquidations being triggered.

The rapid dumping of leveraged positions creates substantial selling pressure, exacerbating price declines and volatility.

But what exactly triggers this event? Read more!

Now back to our daily stories!

It’s Time for AI Coins!

Per Binance Research, AI coins beat almost every category - second only to white-hot Ethereum layer 2 ecosystems.

When you filter noise from meme mania, AI coin gains hit 185%.

So which AI coins truly went interstellar?

Fetch.AI exploded by 659% in 2023 thanks to its decentralized machine-learning marketplace and autonomous agent network.

And SingularityNET wasn't far behind after its AI services emporium on Ethereum pumped 616%.

Clearly, AI adoption accelerated into light speed across crypto last year! Which other AI coins showed outstanding performance? Read the full story!

Evmos Co-Founder’s Good Faith ‍️

Departed co-founder Akash Khosla resurfaced bearing gifts of 59 million EVMOS tokens worth $7.6 million!

Khosla's peace offering aims to redistribute influence to current core contributors. Part of broader initiatives to bolster community trust and stabilize token value.

This Olive branch closure comes after Khosla's sudden departure last year over operational disagreements.

Will this token surrender help the price of EVMOS tokens? Read the full story!

Singapore’s Making Moves

Major regulatory moves by leading crypto custodian BitGo this week. The platform secured preliminary approval for a payments license from Singapore's central bank.

This stamp positions BitGo's Singapore outfit for full clearance to enable crypto services within the city-state. We're talking exchange offerings, web3 remittances, institutional client asset support and beyond!

Singapore is making moves to become the haven for crypto companies. Read the full story!

That wraps up today's top crypto headlines. See you tomorrow for more updates from this rapidly evolving space!

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