從第一天起,幣安就一直保持著對用戶和社群的強烈關注。 自 2018 年成立以來,我們的慈善機構幣安慈善機構在直接援助受自然災害影響的人們以及支持其他人道主義事業方面發揮了重要作用。
2023 年,幣安繼續展現其為災難發生的地方提供幫助的承諾,努力範圍涵蓋紐西蘭、義大利、巴西和土耳其。
在幣安,我們將用戶放在第一位。 從建立新產品和功能時響應用戶回饋,到投入巨大的努力和資源來保護他們及其資產免受各種威脅,我們始終在尋找保護他們的方法。 我們也超越了網路世界,利用數位資產的力量,向最需要的人(例如遭受自然災害和其他危機的人民和社區)快速有效地提供財務援助。 每當我們覺得可以向陷入困境的用戶伸出援手時,我們都會盡快伸出援手。 以下是我們在慈善和人道主義部門幣安慈善機構的推動下,2023 年在這方面所做努力的總結。
近年來,全球自然災害的數量和嚴重程度不斷增加,2023 年也不例外,洪水、地震、乾旱和致命的颶風對世界各地的社區造成了損失。 此類危機可能會給人們帶來災難性後果,而那些本來就脆弱的人往往受到的打擊最嚴重。
此類災害不僅會導致死亡和生計喪失,還會導致受影響地區數以萬計的人們急需水、住所、食物和醫療用品等基本必需品。 受到如此大規模緊急情況影響的個人和社區需要立即獲得援助和資源來重建生活。
為應對日益嚴重的自然災害,幣安慈善機構於 2023 年加強提供緊急援助並重建因危機而遭受破壞的社區。 為此,我們與值得信賴的本地和國際非政府組織合作,捐贈加密貨幣來購買即時援助,並直接向受影響地區的用戶發放加密貨幣資金。
In January 2023, devastating floods hit the city of Auckland in New Zealand. To support families affected by the disaster, Binance Charity donated $160,000 to the local charity, BBM, which facilitated the clean-up, home restoration, and provided basic necessities and home appliances to those affected. The effort helped reach over 1,600 flood victims.
Another major series of floods in 2023 occurred in the Italian region of Emilia-Romagna in May. The disaster impacted thousands of people and caused extensive damage across the densely populated area. To help the relief effort, Binance Charity made a $100,000 donation to the Italian Red Cross (Croce Rossa Italiana), a key force involved in rescue and evacuation work on the ground. The funds were used for immediate needs such as medical support and essential supplies for the affected, reaching some 1,000 beneficiaries.
As part of another partnership in Italy this past year, we donated more than $600,000 to the Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli IRCCS hospital. The funds will go toward establishing a clinical nutrition center and funding four scholarships.
In September, a catastrophic flood struck eastern Libya, killing thousands and displacing tens of thousands of people. To provide targeted relief to Binance users in the affected area in the aftermath of the disaster, we airdropped up to $100 worth of BNB to all Binance users identified using the proof-of-address (POA) system. Around $150,000 was distributed to 12,362 users.
February 2023 saw one of the deadliest natural disasters in the modern history of both Turkey and Syria: an earthquake of a 7.8 magnitude that resulted in widespread damage in an area of about 350,000 square kilometers and a death toll of tens of thousands. In Turkey alone, 14 million people were affected by the catastrophe.
Given the enormous scale of the disaster, Binance resolved to act on several fronts. To provide immediate relief to those affected, we airdropped $100 in crypto to all Binance users identified as residing in the hardest-hit regions through POA. As a result, we were able to deliver $3M to some 31,000 users. We also launched an Emergency Earthquake Appeal to raise crypto funds for the people of Syria and Turkey. The proceeds went to the government-approved nonprofit Kizilay (the Turkish Red Crescent) and the humanitarian NGO Mercy Corps in Syria. The money thus collected was divided evenly between the two organizations, with $330,000 donated to help 3,300 people overall.
Finally, to contribute to longer-term recovery, Binance in July 2023 donated $100,000 in cryptocurrency to Ahbap, a trusted Turkish non-profit, to support the construction of earthquake-resistant steel homes for affected families.
In September, another strong earthquake struck Morocco's Marrakesh–Safi region, inflicting massive damage and loss of life. Relying on the proof-of-address-based user identification method, Binance located some 84,000 of its users residing in the affected area and announced a plan to distribute up to $3M in crypto between them in the aftermath of the disaster.
Beyond supporting the victims of natural disasters, Binance Charity is always on the outlook for ways to make a positive and lasting impact on individuals and communities around the globe. We believe that facilitating access to technology and education is one of the best ways to achieve it.
One example of such an effort is Binance delivering a series of educational and community initiatives in the blockchain space following the signing of a memorandum of understanding with The Georgian Agency for Innovation and Technology (GITA). With contributions from Binance Academy and Binance Charity, we funded scholarships for blockchain education and organized local events and BNB Chain hackathons in Georgia, working to strengthen the country’s blockchain community. In 2023, we spent $100,000 on this program, from which 180 people will benefit directly.
Some of our initiatives tackle the broader problem of digital exclusion. In 2023, Binance Charity made a $20,000 donation to Instituto Ruas, a Brazilian organization that educates homeless and socially vulnerable people in the city of São Paulo to support their personal development and the ability to generate income. The donation went toward building a digital center to help people get online for free, as well as to facilitate computer literacy lessons for young adults.
Since Binance Charity was founded in 2018, we donated $31.5 million across 87 countries and helped improve the lives of over 3.5 million people. With our initiatives, we contributed to tackling some of the most pressing global and regional problems such as world hunger, the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the war-induced humanitarian crisis in Ukraine. Combined, our spending on humanitarian causes exceeded $26 million. Another $5.5 million were used to fund our projects designed to improve access to education in blockchain and Web3 with a focus on supporting women and students from disadvantaged backgrounds.
捐贈了超過 64 萬美元,
為烏幹達兒童提供營養午餐,該計劃於 2019 年至 2023 年期間運行,為超過 21,000 名兒童提供食物。
2021 年至 2023 年間,我們還在
捐贈了超過 12 萬美元,為近 22,000 人提供食物。
在 2020 年和 2021 年 COVID-19 大流行最嚴重的時候,幣安慈善機構
在 31 個國家捐贈了超過 660 萬美元的加密貨幣
,影響了近 250 萬人。
2022 年,我們向飽受戰爭蹂躪的烏克蘭難民提供了人道主義救濟,共分發了
超過 1,100 萬美元,支持了 423,000 名受益者
IT Generation 計劃
,該計劃提供了 100 萬美元,幫助 2,200 多名不同年齡和背景的學生獲得適銷對路的技能並找到工作。
同樣在教育方面,幣安慈善機構致力於透過 2022 年「 科技女性」 計畫等措施來促進性別平等,該計畫使用24 萬美元的預算來提升布隆迪、巴西、南非、肯亞、烏幹達等地1,500 多名女性的區塊鏈知識與技能。尼日利亞、尚比亞。 同年,法國和英國專注於
和 IT 技能的專案累計獲得超過 45 萬美元的資金,以幫助參與者獲得科技業的工作機會。
幣安慈善機構還捐贈了超過 300 萬美元來 資助加州大學柏克萊分校的包容性金融科技實驗室 (LIFT) ,旨在釋放數位金融的潛力,造福全球服務不足的社區。
在幣安,我們堅定不移地致力於始終與用戶站在一起,並為他們提供超越一切的服務。 我們工作的本質在於使用者的信任和信念——我們必須維護這種信任。 無論我們是透過推動線上價值來改善用戶的生活,還是在緊急需要時將我們的影響力擴展到當地社區,我們都渴望始終提供必要的支持和援助。