比特幣 ETF 可以點燃山寨幣,而不僅僅是比特幣。 準備好搭乘五枚準備翱翔的火箭。
在動盪的周二交易時段,比特幣(BTC)經歷了劇烈波動。 這次波動是由美國證券交易委員會(SEC)的社群媒體更新引發的,結果證明更新是錯誤的,導致市場參與者感到困惑。
最初,BTC 飆升 2.5%,達到令人印象深刻的 19 個月高點 47,900 美元。 此次上漲是對 SEC 在 X 官方帳戶(之前稱為 Twitter)上發布的帖子的回應,該帳戶宣布批准現貨比特幣交易所交易基金 (ETF)。 加密貨幣社群熱鬧非凡,過早慶祝了這一重大發展。
然而,當美國證券交易委員會的帳戶被洩露的消息曝光後,情況發生了急轉直下。 隨著 SEC 主席 Gary Gensler 駁斥這一消息,比特幣迅速下跌近 6%,跌至 45,100 美元的低點。
在比特幣 ETF 批准之前應購買的 4 種加密貨幣
顯示,目前比特幣價格約 45,503.96 美元,全球加密貨幣總市值約 1.69 兆美元,較前一日下跌 2.29%
隨著 2024 年中期減半事件的發生,比特幣正處於一個重要里程碑的風口浪尖。 此事件定期發生,使挖礦獎勵減少一半,隨著時間的推移影響供需動態。 考慮到採礦獎勵是新鮮比特幣的唯一來源,這些減半事件往往為比特幣價值的顯著飆升奠定了基礎。
更大的經濟情勢似乎也有利於比特幣。 由於高利率預計將在 2024 年或 2025 年初下降,以及即將到來的 ETF 和減半事件的結合,加密貨幣市場的有利環境可能正在醞釀中。
鑑於比特幣 ETF 即將獲得批准,投資者可能想知道在預期的看漲趨勢出現之前應該關注哪些加密貨幣。 基於廣泛的研究,以下是一些有前景的加密貨幣:
隨著比特幣 ETF 可能為機構投資者打開閘門,
作為智能合約和 DeFi 無可爭議的統治者,處於受益的首要位置。
人們對加密貨幣作為合法資產類別的興趣日益濃厚,精明的投資者可能會冒險超越比特幣,在建立在以太坊堅實基礎上的 DeFi 協議和 NFT 項目中尋求更高的回報。
This fresh wave of capital could inject new life into the booming DeFi space, driving up transaction volume and user adoption for innovative dApps. Ethereum's established developer community and strong network effect make it a natural habitat for this influx of activity, potentially pushing ETH toward $4,000 by mid-2024, according to market analysis by the influential crypto research firm, Arcane Research.
Decentraland, one of the leading metaverse platforms, could be poised for a surge in popularity following the Bitcoin ETF approval. Imagine this: Bitcoin's newfound legitimacy sparks broader interest in virtual worlds and blockchain-based economies. Suddenly, Decentraland's digital landscape becomes a prime destination for brands seeking immersive marketing experiences, gamers hungry for virtual adventures, and artists eager to showcase their digital creations.
This influx of users could drive up demand for MANA, Decentraland's native token, which is essential for purchasing virtual land, goods, and services within the metaverse. According to a recent report by Grayscale Investments, a leading digital asset management firm, MANA could potentially reach $1.50 by the end of 2024 if it captures a significant portion of this growing metaverse market.
Polkadot, with its vision of a seamlessly interconnected blockchain ecosystem, could become an unlikely star in this scenario. Imagine a future where institutional interest in crypto fuels a diverse landscape of flourishing blockchains, each specializing in unique use cases. Polkadot's ability to bridge these disparate worlds, enabling seamless communication and value exchange, could become indispensable.
As demand for interoperability surges, DOT, the token powering Polkadot's network, could experience a significant price increase. Leading blockchain analyst firm Messari forecasts DOT reaching $25 by the end of 2024, driven by its potential to become the backbone of a cohesive blockchain ecosystem.
Cosmos, with its network of interconnected "appchains," could become the pickaxe for new prospectors seeking diverse opportunities.
Think of each appchain as a specialized mining town, built for specific tasks like DeFi or gaming. Cosmos acts as the highway system, enabling miners (users) to freely roam and trade between them. If the Bitcoin-fueled boom attracts a diverse crowd, Cosmos' easy mobility could become a major draw.
This potential surge in traffic could boost ATOM, the fuel for Cosmos' network. According to CoinCodex, a trusted crypto prediction platform, ATOM could see a climb towards $20 by the end of 2024, fueled by increased demand for seamless interoperability across the burgeoning crypto landscape.
雖然比特幣 ETF 可能會推動加密貨幣採用的引擎,但真正讓車輪安全運轉的是底層基礎設施。
想像一下新的 DeFi 協議、NFT 市場和基於區塊鏈的應用程式的激增,所有這些都是由機構興趣的增加引發的。 他們每個人都需要一種可靠的方式來連接外部資料來源,例如市場價格、天氣事件或體育比分。 Chainlink 的去中心化預言機網路以其安全性和可靠性而聞名,可以成為這一重要資訊流的可信賴橋樑。
隨著對可信任預言機服務的需求不斷增長,為 Chainlink 網路提供動力的代幣 LINK 可能會大幅升值。 根據受人尊敬的加密貨幣研究公司Delphi Digital 的預測,LINK 在確保日益複雜的區塊鏈環境中的透明度和信任方面發揮著至關重要的作用,到2024 年底,LINK 的價格可能會達到50 美元。
雖然比特幣 ETF 可能是啟動板,但真正的聚會可能會在廣闊的山寨幣中展開。 以太坊、Decentraland、Polkadot、Cosmos 和 Chainlink——每一個都是一顆閃亮的明星,甚至有可能超越比特幣。 請記住,加密貨幣是一次瘋狂的旅程,因此請繫好安全帶,做好研究,並為起飛做好準備。 那麼,你準備好追逐山寨幣彗星了嗎?
(圖片由 fabrikasimf 在 Freepik 上提供)