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2024 年,加密貨幣之夏即將到來,今年將有所不同






這篇文章是 CoinDesk 的「Crypto 2024」預測套件的一部分。

Paul Brody 是安永全球區塊鏈負責人兼 CoinDesk 專欄作家。





我在這個領域工作了 10 年,其中 8 個在安永擔任這個職位,我們看到企業擁抱代幣化,以太坊已經成為全球標準,許可鏈的時尚雖然沒有消亡,但正在慢慢褪色。

企業也接受了法定貨幣和加密貨幣,生態系統已在很大程度上克服了 L2 的可擴展性挑戰。




事實上,我認為從 2024 年 6 月開始在歐洲逐步實施加密資產市場 (MiCA),這是我們邁向下一個區塊鏈夏季之路上的一個重要里程碑。





This time could be different. L2s have given Ethereum vast capacity, regulators around the world are unlocking institutional capital flows such as pension funds while simultaneously giving investors greater protections from rug-pulls and frauds. These measures are still immature and there are no financial ecosystems without fraud and risk, but in the next summer Ethereum and crypto will look and feel much closer to the rest of the financial ecosystem.

Convergence of stablecoins and CBDCs

My second prediction is that we will start to see the world's central banks start to converge upon both regulated stablecoins and Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) as the preferred approach to implementing CBDCs. This won't be a result of regulators suddenly embracing decentralization and individual control. It will just be a practical choice.

Nearly all CBDC plans today are connected to tokenized, but centralized systems ̅̅almost none of which plan for real programmability. As a result, central banks are finding that while CBDC prototypes and pilots do work, technically, their "value-add" over existing Real Time Gross Settlement systems is quite limited.

None of the ways to "fix" these shortcomings look very appealing. For central banks to build fully programmable and open systems on a par with Ethereum, seems like a monumental technical challenge and deploying a single national coin onto a public network invites potential hacking risks.

Read more: Paul Brody - Under the Hood, 2023 Was a Highly Constructive Year for Crypto

There will be some cases where public sector managed CBDCs will go ahead and have compelling value propositions. I believe these will be most gripping in countries that have not yet implemented national real-time payments (there aren't many) or those where governments want to see more intense (and low cost) competition in the consumer payments space. The global consumer payments market is highly consolidated and, in many countries like the U.S. and Canada, payment fees look remarkably high compared to low-cost leaders such as Australia.

Despite these challenges and the lack of a clear value proposition, many central banks seem determined to deploy both retail and wholesale CBDCs. I confess I don’t understand what is driving this push, but am coming to suspect that the push towards CBDCs has more to do with gaining additional power and control over the financial system, than as something that really solves a major problem.

Even with a CBDC, I believe regulated stablecoins are coming as well. CBDCs won’t “quench” the demand for blockchain-based programmable money that can be used in DeFi services or for digital asset purchases.

Industrial applications progress




我不能向你保證 2024 年夏天會到來,但春天肯定已經在空氣中。


