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分析師將這些新的山寨幣稱為 Solana 殺手,可以賺取 +300%

在美國股市 11 隻現貨比特幣 ETF 首個交易日的推動下,加密貨幣市場出現大幅波動,比特幣 (BTC) 價格飆升至 49,000 美元以上,然後大幅下跌。

儘管圍繞 SEC 的認可存在爭議,但山寨幣市場在比特幣 (BTC) 最初不穩定之後逐漸穩定下來。

在這個充滿活力的領域,Arbitrum (ARB)、Sei (SEI)、Optimism (OP) 和ScapesMania 等山寨幣作為潛在的「Solana 殺手」而受到關注,預計可能為其持有者帶來超過300% 的收益。


ScapesMania 是一個獨一無二的遊戲生態系統,可滿足兩種不同受眾的需求。


對於許多加密貨幣愛好者來說,ScapesMania 已經成為 2024 年及以後最熱門的新項目之一。


迄今為止僅通過人群/零售捐款 就成功籌集了超過

4,203,000 美元,並且這個數字每天都在以

46,000 美元至 127,000 美元



ScapesMania 預售為買家提供了獲得早鳥優惠的機會,以

25% 的高達折扣



每枚代幣 0.1 美元


請注意,折扣不會永遠持續 - 時間在流逝,所有有興趣利用此優惠的人都需要迅速採取行動。

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仔細研究 ScapesMania 的代幣經濟學和其他功能,可以深入了解為什麼它可能是現在最值得持有的山寨幣之一。

該生態系統在價值 3,760 億美元的蓬勃發展的遊戲產業中運作,預計該產業只會成長,到 2027 年將達到

5,216 億美元

此外,ScapesMania 持有者可以從各種激勵措施中受益,包括回購、銷毀和質押機會。


+107% 的獎金


100,000 美元的贈品

以及其他積極方面表明 ScapesMania 可以繼續其成功之旅。


Join ScapesMania and unlock the potential for even greater gains with code IYK466! Get more ScapesMania tokens with the same budget, thanks to a sizable 10% bonus. The offer is only valid for a few days since the article’s publication, so hurry up! Type in IYK466 in a special field while purchasing tokens in the website’s members area.

Arbitrum (ARB): A Rising Force in Layer 2

Arbitrum (ARB) has recently seen a significant surge in its market presence. This rise is attributed to its role in addressing key challenges in the crypto space, particularly in enhancing transaction speeds and reducing costs, while maintaining the robust security of the Ethereum root chain. As part of the Optimistic Rollup segment, Arbitrum employs advanced security mechanisms, contributing to its growing appeal in the market.

Breaking key resistance levels, Arbitrum (ARB) reached new highs earlier this year, showcasing its growing market acceptance and investor confidence. This performance is reflective of the broader trend in Layer 2 solutions, where increased efficiency and user experience improvements are driving market demand.

Looking ahead, Arbitrum (ARB) future seems promising, especially with the anticipation of Ethereum’s Dencun upgrade and other key events in the crypto space. However, it’s important to note that Arbitrum (ARB), like many cryptocurrencies, may face short-term volatility. Its long-term growth, while promising, hinges on continued technological advancements and market dynamics.

Sei (SEI): The Meteoric Rise of a New Contender

Sei (SEI) has experienced a remarkable surge, with its price skyrocketing by over 1,500% since its debut. This impressive growth is partly due to its v2 upgrade, which includes Ethereum virtual machine (EVM) smart contract support, aiming to attract a broader user base. Additionally, the Sei blockchain’s focus on decentralized exchange (DEX) trading positions it as a potential challenger to centralized exchanges.

The Sei (SEI) token reached an all-time high of $1.06 by early January 2024. This surge is linked to increased demand from memecoin trading activities and investor speculation, a common trend in promising crypto projects. The Sei blockchain’s innovative features and strategic upgrades have played a crucial role in its market ascent.

Sei (SEI) trajectory in the blockchain industry appears bright, with its commitment to speed, innovative features, and strategic upgrades. However, the path ahead is not without challenges. The market’s evolving nature and the competitive landscape will be key factors influencing Sei (SEI) future performance.

Optimism (OP): Gaining Ground in the Crypto Arena

與 Arbitrum 類似,樂觀 (OP) 也在市場上獲得了顯著的吸引力。

作為Layer 2解決方案,OP專注於提高交易速度並降低成本,從而改善整體用戶體驗。



該代幣的價格也經歷了飆升,反映出它在第 2 層空間和更廣泛的加密市場中的相關性日益增強。

Optimism (OP) 的未來看起來很樂觀,即將發生幾項重大事件,包括以太坊的 Dencun 升級。




受現貨比特幣 ETF 交易的影響,加密貨幣市場正在經歷劇烈波動。

在這些動態中,Arbitrum (ARB)、Sei (SEI)、Optimism (OP) 和 ScapesMania 等山寨幣作為潛在的「Solana 殺手」而受到關注,它們有可能產生超過 300% 的回報率。

ScapesMania 以其新鮮的遊戲相關核心理念、搶眼的預售數字以及其他積極方面脫穎而出。

現在探索 ScapesMania 可能會帶來潛在的豐厚的上市後收益。





