儘管最近加密貨幣市場遇到了困難,但以太坊名稱服務(ENS)卻出現了大幅上漲,其價值較前一周上漲了 70%。 這種驚人的上漲與 2023 年全年普遍的負面趨勢形成鮮明對比。鑑於最近的加密貨幣崩潰,投資者現在想知道 ENS 是否可能是從廢墟中出現的復甦跡象。災難。
根據 Coingecko 提供的統計數據,ENS 目前價格為 24.63 美元,在過去 24 小時內下跌了約 4%。 目前共有 3,100 萬個 ENS 流通,這意味著該項目的市場估值為 7.61 億美元。
短短幾個月前,內分泌系統(ENS)還被掩蓋在焦慮、困惑和懷疑的外衣之下。 2023 年 6 月,由於漫長的加密貨幣寒冬和監管嚴寒的阻礙,它達到了五年來從未見過的水平。
然而,當新的一年開始時,解凍開始發生。 ENS 開始了無情的上漲,打破了先前的高點,讓投資者喘不過氣來。 這是由於市場信心的高漲以及近期現貨比特幣 ETF 的批准刺激了價格上漲 50%,從而推動了這一趨勢。
是什麼火花點燃了 ENS 引擎?
這種價格的快速上漲並不是突然出現的。 ENS 火災是由許多重要因素驅動的,例如:
以太坊聯合創始人之一 Vitalik Buterin 大力倡導 ENS 與 Layer-2 擴展解決方案的集成,因此也成為 Layer-2 背書的倡導者。 這種利用人類可讀的 ENS 領域實現更快、更便宜的交易的願景引起了消費者和工程師的共鳴,為該專案的未來創造了更樂觀的前景。
去中心化金融的接受度:隨著去中心化金融(DeFi)已成為加密貨幣革命的關鍵參與者,ENS 域提供的使用簡單性和安全性變得越來越有吸引力。 使用短名稱(例如“alice.eth”)發送和接收付款的能力,而不是由字母數字字元組成的冗長的錢包地址,在用戶體驗方面是一個顯著的改進。
A decentralized basis that is managed by smart contracts and a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) is the base upon which ENS grows, in contrast to conventional, centralized naming systems. The democratic method allows users to have a direct voice in the future of the project, which helps to cultivate a feeling of ownership and community that is essential to the project's expansion.
On the daily chart, ENS is presently trading at $24.67. TradingView.com says that there are challenges on the horizon coming up.
To clarify for those who are not aware, Ethereum Name Service is a decentralized name system that operates on the Ethereum blockchain environment. It gives users the ability to get names that are readable by humans, such as "bob.eth," and to correlate such names with identifiers such as addresses, content hashes, and metadata.
On the other hand, thunderstorm clouds continue to linger on the horizon, despite the fact that the sun is shining brightly. It is possible that the future of Ethereum might be clouded by the regulatory ambiguity that surrounds the categorization of Ethereum as either a securities or a commodity. A further point to consider is that the cryptocurrency market as a whole continues to be prone to rapid fluctuations in mood, which makes sustainable growth anything from inevitable.
A stunning demonstration of the ENS's resiliency and promise, the rally serves as a forceful monument. But in order to successfully navigate the unpredictable cryptocurrency market, a careful attitude is required. As is the case with any investment, it is of the utmost importance to do thorough research and have a calibrated grasp of the dangers involved.
The Ethereum Network (ENS) has successfully carved out a distinct space for itself inside the cryptocurrency ecosystem by virtue of its user-friendly domain names, community-driven mentality, and expanding integrations with DeFi and layer-2 transactions.