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3 名柴犬競爭對手在 2024 年將比 SHIB 做得更好

3 名柴犬競爭對手在 2024 年將比 SHIB 做得更好

2021 年柴犬(SHIB)的快速崛起吸引了加密世界的目光。

然而,隨著炒作的消退,投資者開始期待SHIB 競爭對手在2024 年獲得更高的回報。三個傑出的競爭者——Polygon (MATIC)、Bonk (BONK) 和Retik Finance (RETIK)——憑藉其顛覆性的優勢,預計在2024 年大幅超越SHIB。分別針對擴展、模因和主流 DeFi 採用方面的關鍵痛點的模型。

本文探討了為什麼 MATIC、BONK 和 RETIK 因其令人印象深刻的技術、社區和現實世界實用性而將在 2024 年取代 SHIB。

Polygon (MATIC):擴展解決方案的後起之秀

Polygon,以前稱為 Matic Network,已迅速成為以太坊領先的第 2 層擴展解決方案之一。

其原生代幣 MATIC 在 2021 年實現了飛速增長,並且隨著擴展解決方案需求的增長,預計將在 2024 年實現更強勁的增長。

與滿足特定用例的其他第 2 層解決方案不同,Polygon 為各種去中心化應用程式提供了更通用的框架。


這種靈活性和穩健的架構為 2024 年 MATIC 的強勁牛市奠定了基礎。

Polygon 每天已處理超過 300 萬筆交易,但隨著以太坊使用量呈指數級增長,未來幾年這筆交易量可能會激增 10-100 倍。

隨著越來越多的 dApp 遷移到 Polygon,MATIC 的需求和效用將會激增。

MATIC 也受益於強大的代幣經濟學。

其流通供應量受到限制,Polygon 團隊透過精心策劃的代幣分配模型明智地分配了 MATIC。


Bonk (BONK):2024 年的狗狗幣

由於其流行的概念和品牌,Bonk 迅速吸引了加密貨幣投資者的想像。

這種基於 Solana 的代幣體現了幾年前推動狗狗幣聲名鵲起的同樣奇特的吸引力。

就像早期的狗狗幣一樣,Bonk 在 2024 年及以後擁有巨大的上漲潛力。

與大多數迷因幣不同,Bonk 並不是試圖利用最新趨勢獲利的無恥仿冒品。

近幾個月來,即使沒有主流行銷和宣傳活動,對 Bonk 超通縮代幣的需求也急劇上升。

Additionally, Bonk benefits enormously from its architecture on the high-speed and low-cost Solana blockchain. As Solana adoption accelerates globally, Bonk will undoubtedly emerge as one of its most prominent use cases and the natural landing spot for new users entering the ecosystem. Much like Dogecoin, Bonk seems destined to go from a tongue-in-cheek meme to serious top 10 cryptocurrency contender within a year or two. Its community traction and fundamentals easily eclipse 99% of altcoins, making it a prime breakout candidate for 2024.

Retik Finance (RETIK): The Next Big Thing in DeFi

Retik Finance offers a compelling vision of a comprehensive DeFi ecosystem tailored for mainstream adoption. While DeFi has seen explosive growth in recent years, most platforms cater to crypto power users, leaving average individuals underserved.

Retik aims to change this by packaging DeFi services into simple and intuitive interfaces, abstracting away blockchain complexities that intimidate novices. For instance, features like swipe/tap-to-pay debit cards, integrated payment gateways and AI lending remove friction from DeFi interactions.Retik places a heavy emphasis on both security and privacy—two aspects severely lacking in the wider DeFi market. Its architecture safeguards user data instead of exposing transaction details publicly. As broader adoption makes privacy and performance prime considerations rather than afterthoughts, expect Retik’s model to become the norm rather than the exception.

First-mover advantage and continuous innovation in simplifying DeFi puts Retik Finance in prime position to dominate mainstream markets through 2024 and beyond.The ambitious scope of Retik’s offerings creates immense utility potential for its RETIK token as the native currency powering payments, rewards and governance functions across the ecosystem. RETIK looks poised to dwarf the market caps of existing DeFi tokens over the next two years as adoption accelerates globally.


MATIC, BONK and RETIK present compelling cases to overtake SHIB in 2024 by riding key mega-trends in Ethereum scaling, meme-culture and simplified DeFi. Their substantial lead in product-market fit and community adoption primes them for exponential growth as their target markets expand dramatically. While past performance does not guarantee future results, the fundamentals underpinning these tokens dwarf most crypto contenders. For investors seeking asymmetric upside beyond fading SHIB hype, MATIC, BONK and RETIK check all the right boxes as the next generation of category-leading cryptocurrencies.

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Website: https://retik.com

Whitepaper: https://retik.com/retik-whitepaper.pdf

Linktree: https://linktr.ee/retikfinance

The post 3 Shiba Inu Competitors To Do Better Than SHIB in 2024 appeared first on Crypto News Land.


