卡爾達諾的價格在上個月內下跌了 17.6%,但仍徘徊在 0.46 美元的重要支撐位 0.53 美元上方。
在過去的四個星期裡,ADA 鯨魚已經累積了價值 8,500 萬美元的資產,儘管下降了 17%,但這是一個巨大的發展。
由於 ADA 現在處於機會區,鏈上數據表明現在是購買的合適時機。
大約四個星期前,卡爾達諾的價格接近確認看漲反轉模式; 但是,由於更廣泛市場的負面影響,它未能做到這一點。 儘管另類加密貨幣再次觸及月度低點,但它仍有機會重新回到根據該模式計算的目標價格。 這種模式將預期的復甦設定為比目前價格高百分之三十的價格,鯨魚似乎可能在這次反彈中發揮重要作用。
在過去 4 週內下跌 17.61% 後,卡爾達諾的價格(截至撰寫本文時的交易價格為 0.53 美元)開始穩定。 ADA 幾乎成功完成了雙底設計(有時稱為“W”形態)。 看漲反轉模式表明,另類加密貨幣可能會上漲百分之三十,在下跌開始之前它非常接近這樣做。
另一方面,鑑於卡爾達諾的價格仍遠高於設定的0.43美元止損,因此有可能重新回到0.68美元的目標價。 該價格點比目前交易價格高出百分之三十,只要 ADA 能夠從 0.51 美元的支撐位恢復,就能夠重新開始努力收回目標反彈。
然而,如果潮流轉向南方並且看跌訊號主導市場走勢,ADA 可能會下跌。 如果加密貨幣跌破 0.51 美元的支撐線,山寨幣可能會跌至 0.43 美元的停損水準。 如果失去這項支撐,看漲論點可能會失效,因為它與 50 日指數移動平均線 (EMA) 重疊。
鯨魚有潛力推動替代加密貨幣的價格上漲。 持有 100 萬到 1000 萬 ADA 的卡爾達諾地址通常被認為是鯨魚或巨額錢包持有者,他們的活動往往會影響價格走勢。 崩盤情況和累積支撐反彈是由他們的拋售帶來的。 在過去的四個星期裡,這些鯨魚地址的錢包裡已經累積了 1.6 億枚 ADA,相當於 8,500 萬美元。
Over 5.79 billion ADA tokens are now held by these holders of ADA, who have managed to maintain their concentration in spite of the collapse that was indicated before. Additionally, the ratio of market value to realized value (MVRV) is indicating that there is a possibility of bullishness among investors.
The 30-day MVRV ratio provides an indication of the profits or losses of investors who acquired an asset in the previous month. The MVRV ratio is used to evaluate the average profit or loss of investors who buy an item, and it is also used to evaluate the average price of an asset.
Given that the indicator is now at a value of 10%, it can be deduced that investors who have purchased ADA over the last thirty days have suffered a loss of 10%. Rallies are often seen in the aftermath of the MVRV value reaching a value that falls anywhere between -8% and -18%. This is due to the fact that at the moment, ADA is situated in a position that is perfect for accumulation, which is why it is considered a "opportunity zone."
Therefore, if investors and whales decide to accumulate, it is quite possible that they will end up driving the price higher, which would result in the confirmation of the bullish thesis.