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比特幣 ETF 激增推動了狗狗幣 (DOGE) 和柴犬 (SHIB) 的發展勢頭

最近,以貝萊德(BlackRock) 和富達(Fidelity) 等主要參與者為代表的比特幣ETF 激增,在短短兩天內就吸引了驚人的10 億美元——這是加密貨幣市場影響力日益增長的明顯跡象。

在交易的最初 48 小時內,這些旨在反映比特幣表現的創新投資工具獲得了近 10 億美元的投資。

貝萊德 (BlackRock) 以令人印象深刻的 5.08 億美元引領這一引人注目的資金流入,緊隨其後的是富達 (Fidelity),吸引了 4.42 億美元。

然而,值得注意的是,比特幣對這一事態發展的直接反應有些複雜,儘管在 ETF 獲得批准之前比特幣大幅上漲,但過去一周下跌了約 8%。

儘管市場起伏不定,比特幣仍然是重量級冠軍,價值高達 8,370 億美元,每日交易量高達約 240 億美元。


隨著 PawFury 的出現,充滿活力的加密世界增添了一層新的興奮感。


雖然一些加密貨幣面臨著不確定的未來,但像 PawFury (PAW) 這樣的預售項目的軌跡要清晰得多。

PawFury 是一項精心設計的舉措,預計將提供大量機會。


廣泛的功能、尖端技術、專業團隊以及長期、雄心勃勃的願景相結合,使 PawFury 走上了成為加密貨幣領域下一個巨頭的道路。


預售現已開始 – 立即加入,即有機會從 PAW 中受益

在專門的開發團隊的支持下,PawFury 的預售由致力於透明度和社區參與的團隊領導。

PawFury 建立了一個讓支持者可以享受眾多互動功能和獎勵的平台,被定位為一個前景光明且有可能在加密領域產生重大影響的項目。

預售階段為早期採用者提供了一個獨特的機會,讓他們參與 PawFury 從頭開始的旅程。



Recently, Dogecoin (DOGE) has been included in the futures market of a major exchange, joining the ranks of other prominent cryptocurrencies like XRP, SOL, and USDC – a development signifying a growing recognition and potential for increased liquidity for Dogecoin in the trading community.

Dogecoin keeps getting endorsements from big names like Elon Musk. Musk continues holding a bunch of Dogecoin, showing it's still a popular crypto among big shots. Dogecoin's staying power stems from influential backers and growing integration. With Dogecoin picking up steam on additional trading platforms and getting nods from influential figures, it's really carving out a niche for itself in the bustling crypto scene.

Dogecoin has been maintaining a steady performance with its current price oscillating between $0.0788 and $0.0930. Over the past week, Dogecoin has seen a modest but notable uptick of 1.94%, hinting that investors are still throwing their support behind it. The market capitalization of DOGE stands strong at $11.53 billion USD, with a 24-hour trading volume of $295.17 million USD. Technical analysis shows the 10-day Simple Moving Average (SMA) at $0.0807 and the 100-day SMA at $0.0811, suggesting a stable market trend. Pivot point analysis outlines key support around $0.0735 and resistance near $0.0872.

Shiba Inu (SHIB): A Whale-Driven Price Leap

Shiba Inu (SHIB) has recently experienced a significant surge in whale transactions, skyrocketing by 651%. A recent milestone in SHIB's market value, the elimination of a zero, has been a central topic among its community for weeks.

In terms of current market performance, SHIB's price is ranging between $0.00000855 and $0.00001054. Despite a slight weekly decline of 1.14%, the market capitalization of SHIB remains robust at approximately $5.64 billion USD. The 24-hour trading volume for SHIB is recorded at $107.13 million USD, indicating active trading interest.

The technical analysis shows that the 10-day Simple Moving Average (SMA) for SHIB is at $0.00000956, while the 100-day SMA is slightly higher at $0.00000971. These figures suggest a general stability in SHIB's price trend. The pivot point analysis provides further insight, with the first support at $0.00000855 and the first resistance at $0.00001054, outlining potential levels for traders to watch.

These developments in SHIB's market performance demonstrate the cryptocurrency's growing popularity and potential for further expansion in the digital asset space.


總而言之,加密貨幣市場仍在不斷發展,最近比特幣 ETF 的激增在短短兩天內吸引了令人印象深刻的 10 億美元,顯示了其日益增長的影響力。

儘管比特幣在過去一周經歷了短暫的下跌,但其主導地位仍然顯而易見,市值達 8,370 億美元,每日交易量約為 240 億美元。

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 和柴犬 (SHIB) 等山寨幣也在取得長足發展,DOGE 擁有 115.3 億美元的市值,SHIB 的鯨魚交易量激增,所有這些都表明了加密貨幣領域的動態本質。

隨著 PawFury 在加密貨幣領域的出現,為動態和不斷發展的數位資產世界增添了新的視角。


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