投資者不斷在不斷變化的加密貨幣市場中尋找下一個以太坊,一個有潛力產生巨額回報的代幣。 儘管以太坊 (ETH) 在智能合約功能方面處於領先地位,但一些交易價格低於 0.5 美元的加密貨幣正在逐漸注意到它們成為下一個以太坊的潛力。 Retik Finance (RETIK)、Shiba Inu (SHIB) 和 Dogecoin (DOGE) 就是其中的幾個。 為了了解為什麼這些加密貨幣可以成為追隨以太坊腳步的競爭者,讓我們仔細看看它們各自及其進步。
瑞提克金融 (RETIK)
Retik Finance 將人工智慧 (AI) 融入其產品中,已成為去中心化金融 (DeFi) 領域的知名參與者。 該專案旨在透過引入未來的 DeFi 借記卡、智慧加密支付網關和人工智慧驅動的點對點借貸來重新定義全球交易。Retik Finance 的主要優勢之一在於其對安全性和透明度的承諾。 該專案經過了知名區塊鏈安全公司 Certik 的全面審核,驗證了其智能合約的可靠性。 此次審核不僅增強了使用者的信心,也展現了 Retik 對維護安全生態系統的奉獻精神。
Retik Finance 的創新方法使其成為 DeFi 領域的開拓者。 它將人工智慧整合到其平台的各個方面,使其與眾不同,提供先進的功能和增強的安全措施。 該項目在 CoinMarketCap 和 CoinGecko 等主要平台上的上市進一步強化了對用戶信任和可信度的關注,提高了潛在投資者的透明度和可及性。
Retik Finance 的預售結構在設計時考慮了公平性和可近性,分為 10 個階段。 每個階段均採用增量定價,初始階段起價為 0.03 美元。 這種深思熟慮的方法旨在為對該計畫感興趣的廣泛參與者提供多樣化的機會。 目前,Retik Finance 已進入第六個預售階段,不僅突破了令人印象深刻的 1300 萬美元大關,而且還得到了社區的大力支持,目前籌集的資金總額達到 13,033,888 美元。
Retik Finance 將在頂級中心化交易所 (CEX) 上市的預期為這一組合增添了另一層樂觀。 此類上市不僅提高了知名度,還增加了流動性,吸引新投資者並可能提高專案的價格。 該計畫的目標是確保在排名前 5 名的 CEX 中的兩家上市,這表明對其廣泛採用的潛力充滿信心。
柴犬 (SHIB)
Shiba Inu, introduced in 2020 as a meme cryptocurrency, gained significant popularity in 2021, becoming the second-largest meme coin by market cap, trailing only Dogecoin. The project, heavily inspired by Dogecoin, operates as an ERC-20 token on the Ethereum blockchain. Shiba Inu’s unique branding features the Shiba Inu dog breed. Shiba Inu’s potential as the next Ethereum is rooted in its ambitious endeavour to obtain the .shib Top-Level Domain (TLD). This initiative, in collaboration with the web3 domain project D3, aims to go beyond vanity websites. If successful, .shib could enable websites, personalised usernames, and email addresses ending in .shib. The project positions itself for true cross-compatibility with daily services.
The collaboration with D3 highlights Shiba Inu’s commitment to innovation and expanding its utility beyond being just a meme coin. The implications of .shib being added to the global domain name system align with the project’s broader vision of integrating blockchain into everyday applications. The potential for Shiba Inu to redefine its role in the cryptocurrency space is evident through its strategic partnerships and forward-looking initiatives.
Dogecoin (DOGE)
Dogecoin, created in 2013 as a parody cryptocurrency, has undergone significant developments, transforming from a light-hearted joke into the ninth-largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization in 2021. Dogecoin uses a simplified variant of the hashing algorithm, Scrypt, and operates on the “proof-of-work” protocol.Dogecoin’s potential as the next Ethereum lies in its distinctive features and widespread community support. While it lacks a maximum supply, making it highly inflationary, Dogecoin’s faster access speeds and more affordable transactions contribute to its efficiency in processing payments.
The Doge Army, Dogecoin’s passionate community, has played a crucial role in its sustained popularity. However, Dogecoin’s decentralisation is relatively lower compared to Bitcoin, with about 1,090 nodes as opposed to Bitcoin’s 10,000 nodes over 97 countries. This makes the Dogecoin network susceptible to a 51% attack.Despite the concentration of most Dogecoin wallets holding a significant amount of DOGE in circulation, the cryptocurrency has established itself as a unique player in the market. Its blockchain technology, using a secure digital ledger and cryptography for transaction security, aligns with the fundamentals of most cryptocurrencies.
總而言之,雖然 Retik Finance、Shiba Inu 和 Dogecoin 等每種代幣都擁有獨特的潛力,但 Retik Finance 在 DeFi 領域中脫穎而出,成為強有力的競爭者。 其人工智慧的整合、成功的籌款和透明的方法展示了一個具有前瞻性的項目。 Retik Finance 的預售模式專為公平而設計,獲得了令人印象深刻的社區支持,強調了其可訪問性。 Shiba Inu 對 .shib TLD 的創新追求和狗狗幣的社區實力增強了它們的吸引力。 然而,Retik Finance 的戰略願景、安全承諾和成就使其成為一股有前途的力量,為投資者在加密貨幣領域提供了令人信服的機會。
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3 個低於 0.5 美元的加密貨幣可能成為下一個以太坊 (Eth) 的帖子首先出現在 Crypto News Land 上。