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伊拉克真主黨旅宣布暫停攻擊美軍 美方稱報復計畫不受影響







「他們向肇事者提供了武器,」拜登在離開白宮前往佛羅裡達州籌款之行時告訴記者,並補充道,「我認為我們不需要在中東發生更廣泛的戰爭。這不是我想要的。” ”













Hamidawi, secretary-general of Kataeb Hezbollah, said the suspension of military operations against the United States was "in order not to embarrass the Iraqi government." "We will continue to protect our people in Gaza through other means," he added.

On Saturday, Iraqi officials and U.S. military commanders began talks in Baghdad about the future U.S. military presence in Iraq. Sudan hopes the move will ease pressure from militia groups demanding he expel U.S. troops. U.S. officials said the talks, expected to last months, will focus on ending the U.S.-led military coalition in Iraq while opening the door for U.S. troops to continue assisting Iraqi forces.

For decades, Iran has provided the financial and military backbone to a network of militia groups across the Middle East, expanding its military influence and countering the influence of the United States and Israel. In addition to Kataeb Hezbollah, these groups include Lebanese Hezbollah, Yemen’s Houthis, other militias in Iraq and Syria, and Palestinian armed groups such as Hamas.

Since October 7, Iran’s network of armed groups in the region has stepped up attacks against Israeli or U.S. interests. The groups say their goal is to make the Gaza war pay the price, but some militias appear to be simultaneously pursuing their years-long agenda of forcing U.S. troops out of Iraq and Syria.

Kataib Hezbollah is one of the most secretive and influential Shiite militias in Iraq and has close ties with the Quds Force, the international operations force of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.

The organization was established after the U.S.-led coalition invaded Iraq in 2003. From the beginning, it was known for attacking U.S. and coalition troops in Iraq with roadside bombs and mortars. Kataib Hezbollah says its main goal is to expel U.S. troops from Iraq.

The group, together with other Iraqi militia groups, signed an informal ceasefire agreement prohibiting attacks on U.S. troops in Iraq (the number of U.S. troops in Iraq is approximately 2,500). However, after the war in Gaza broke out in October last year, more than six months of calm were broken. They began to target US bases in Iraq and Syria and moved fighter jets and equipment to near the border between Iraq and Jordan, which was unmanned on Sunday. where the plane attack occurred.

The move follows U.S. airstrikes last week on Hezbollah headquarters in Kataeb, an area called Jurf Al-Sakhar, south of Baghdad, and on a crossing point near the town of Qaim that the militia uses to transport weapons into Syria. . U.S. officials said the airstrikes were in response to attacks by Hezbollah militias in Kataeb.

Article forwarded from: Golden Ten Data


