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BRC-20 代幣的新市場已在 Binance 上線!

隨著銘記市場的推出,數位資產交易所幣安使用戶可以交易和銘記 BRC-20 代幣以及與加密貨幣相關的其他資產。

根據幣安 2 月 1 日發表的聲明,該市場將成為基於銘文的代幣的一站式解決方案。新聞稿還表示,該市場將包括可訪問性和安全性的關鍵特徵。


Binance Web3 錢包將作為該平台的主機,允許在 Binance 應用程式內登記和交易 BRC-20 代幣。

BRC-20 代幣的新市場已在 Binance 上線!

它為每個人提供安全、愉快的體驗,從已經熟悉 Web3 的人到剛開始使用 BRC-20 的人。

“Inscription Marketplace 的推出對於 Binance Web3 錢包來說是一個受歡迎的發展,因為它通過其各種功能增強了用戶通過去中心化網絡的旅程。”


根據公告,它能夠登記和交易 60,000 個最受歡迎的 BRC-20 代幣,此外還可以一鍵轉帳並減少使用加速器進行交易所需的時間。


OKX 是一家與之競爭的加密貨幣交易所,本周宣布將整合銘文代幣標準。


該公司表示:“透過這些增強功能,OKX Marketplace 將成為業內最大的銘文市場,在不斷擴大的代幣標準中提供零費用交易。”


這些網路包括比特幣、狗狗幣、以太坊、Polygon BNB Chain、Avalanche-C 等。

銘文和 BRC-20 代幣的激增引發了關於這些資產在區塊鏈上的實用性的許多爭議。


BRC-20 代幣的新市場已在 Binance 上線!

幣安的研究部門剛剛發表了一篇論文,強調了 2023 年在網路中添加銘文的優勢,以及進一步的發展跡象。

Ordinals, inscriptions, and BRC-20 standard tokens were all significant contributors to the resurrection of the networks; nevertheless, according to the researchers, the three-tiered structure ushered in a new age for Bitcoin in the year 2023.

The outcome was an increase in price that was brought about by a jump in the number of transactions that occurred during the period of recovery from the previous bear market.

Additionally, the price of bitcoin increased by 156% during the course of the year, despite the fact that institutional inflows also contributed to the price movement. Bitcoin's market domination increased from 40.4% to 50.2%.

As a result of the introduction of Bitcoin Ordinals in February 2023, the community immediately began minting new tokens, which caused the number of transactions to reach new heights that had not been seen in months.

In the previous year, the implementation of millions of Inscriptions caused a case of network congestion, which resulted in the mempool being clogged and transaction costs increasing, which in turn led to an increase in the number of community disputes.

Ordinals, on the other hand, served as a lifeline for miners who were in a precarious financial situation during the bear market when they were attempting to climb above the seas in preparation for the subsequent halving.


