POND0X 協議正在加密貨幣市場掀起波瀾,以其生態系統內的突破性創新不斷給投資者及其社區帶來驚喜。 在過去的 24 小時內,該協議引入了「PONDWATER」功能,這是一種先進的收益系統,透過分配和鎖定指定數量的 PNDC 幣來實現 1 至 49 週的期限。
該協議已經分配了高達 12,000,000 美元的用戶獎勵,這證明了其為社區提供實質收益的承諾。 這些獎勵透過兩種主要方法獲得:挖掘 $PNDC 和為新推出的 PONDWATER 功能鎖定 $PNDC。
PONDWATER 代表了單產農業的革命性一步,讓使用者在可自訂的時間範圍內鎖定預定數量的 PNDC。 就在推出的第一週內,PONDWATER 就取得了令人印象深刻的收益:
PORK 代幣的推出:取得了巨大的成功
除了 PONDWATER 之外,該協議最近還推出了 PORK 代幣(PEPEFORK),獲得了壓倒性的積極回應。 PORK 推出僅三天,就打破了交易量記錄,在短短 72 小時內市值達到驚人的 3.15 億美元。
PORK 可以取代透過 POND 協議使 PEPE 代幣受益的最初目標。 這一轉變是由於 PEPE COIN 團隊持續可疑地出售 PEPE 代幣,以及他們拒絕接受擬議的合作而引發的。 針對這種缺乏透明度和合作的情況,POND 協議決定推出 PORK 代幣。 PORK 不僅經歷了前所未有的成長,而且還成功吸引了包括 PORK 和 PNDC 在內的龐大社區,並將其從 PEPE COIN 過渡到 POND0X 協議。
此處共享的所有數據都是公開的,可以透過 Dune.com 輕鬆驗證:
In summary, the POND0X ecosystem represents Crypto 2.0, truly delivering profits to its investors and community without favoring venture capital, influencers, or even its own developers, who have no investment in any of the ecosystem's launched tokens. It stands as a project designed by the people, for the people, where transparency, hard work, and equal opportunities are paramount.
The POND0X protocol, although recent, is already doing what other markets do not—distributing victories and profits to all its investors. Undoubtedly, it is the most significant crypto project in the current market, embodying a disruptive and innovative approach never seen before.
153 Days Since Launch
PondX has done:
$400,000,000+ swap volume
285,000+ swaps
16,000+ unique wallets trading
Over $4M in USER REWARDS generated.
This is it baby! This is CRYPTO 2.0
Matt Furie's Recognition
Finally, in August 2023, Matt Furie, the creator of the PEPE cartoon character, received acknowledgment from the POND0X protocol. Despite never being compensated by the PEPE COIN team for the use of his drawings and the PEPE image, the POND0X protocol expressed gratitude for his work by transferring $1,000,000 to the artist. Yesterday, Matt Furie, in a certain way, expressed his support for the PORK token, launched less than 72 hours ago by the POND0X protocol, as seen in his post on the X social network.